April 2, 2019
Mentors needed for GROW and EXCITE summer workshop
Mentors are needed for the Girls Researching Our World, or GROW, and Exploring Science, Technology, and Engineering, or EXCITE, summer workshop. This is a paid position.
The summer mentor is a member of the K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, or KAWSE, staff. The mentor works directly with the GROW and EXCITE summer workshops, hosted June 4-7.
As a member of the KAWSE summer staff, the mentor occupies a crucial role in enriching the experiences of middle-school and high-school participants in the workshops through role modeling appropriate behavior, mentoring prospective students, and supervising underage participants during activities and overnight stay in the residence halls.
For more information, visit k-state.edu/kawse/succeedemploy.html.