August 27, 2019
Facilitate a hands-on STEM activity at Girls Researching Our World
K-State students are invited to design and facilitate a hands-on science, technology, engineering and/or math activity for middle school students at the Girls Researching Our World Workshop on Saturday, Oct. 12 on the K-State Manhattan campus. The GROW program is organized by the K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, known as KAWSE.
Activities should incorporate the workshop theme, "It's Elemental, Dr. Watson!" 2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table, marking 150 years since the discovery of the periodic system. The GROW workshop will investigate the many — and sometimes mysterious — ways that the chemical elements and/or periodic system continue to influence STEM today. The KAWSE program coordinator is available to help brainstorm activities ideas and relate facilitators' area of expertise to the event theme.
Activity sessions are 45 minutes long and attended by 10-15 middle school students at a time. Sessions begin at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Facilitators may choose to host the morning sessions, afternoon sessions, or all sessions. A GROW student employee will chaperone each group to and from sessions, and will be present during the activity to help facilitate as necessary. Lunch is provided to all facilitators.
An information guide and activity proposal is available on the KAWSE website to help with activity development. Activities should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than Sept. 20.
Additionally, KAWSE is currently accepting applications for workshop mentors. Mentors are paid employees of the KAWSE office, responsible for supervising groups of middle-school students as they move between activities. A position description and application form is available on the KAWSE website.
Expected attendance is between 80-100 middle school students, grades 6-8. KAWSE office staff can be reached at or 785-532-6088.