March 16, 2020
Cats' Cupboard begins online order service

Like the rest of campus, Cats' Cupboard is taking steps to mitigate the spread of coronavirus — COVID-19 — and keep the K-State community safe.
In order to maintain a sense of dignity and provide customer choice while also adhering to the social distancing protocols suggested by the CDC, starting today, Monday, March 16, Cats' Cupboard will move to an online order form until further notice. We will not be open for drop-in visits.
K-State students and employees can place an order once per week for the items they prefer. The link to the online order form is available on our website and via social media — @catscupboardksu on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. A QR code will be placed on both doors to the pantry, 9 Fairchild Hall, so anyone who arrives on site and is unaware of our new online system can make an order from their phones.
K-Staters will be asked to report family size and other basic information about their household, and then they can select items that best meet their personal needs.
We will aim to fill all orders within one business day. Once an order has been filled, the user will receive an email to let them know that it is available for pickup in the hallway outside Cats' Cupboard. That email will include a unique confirmation number that will be written on the order to maintain privacy.
If a K-Stater is unable to complete the online form for any reason, we are happy to assist them with orders over the phone during regular business hours at 785-532-0366.
To eliminate food waste, we will place a drop-off tote near the orders where visitors can relinquish any items they will not use. Boxes will also be packaged with hand-washing and COVID-19 handouts, information about other community meal resources, and soap or hand sanitizer as available.
Thank you to our visitors in advance for their patience as we make this transition. Additionally, we'd like to express appreciation for our many donors for allowing us to continue to provide this vital service to our K-State community.
To help us keep the shelves stocked, please visit our Amazon Wish List at