December 14, 2012
English faculty, students publish, present in October and November
During the months of October and November, faculty in the English department published the following eighteen works:
Elizabeth Dodd, university distinguished professor, published two poems "House Sparrow at Skara Brae" and "How Fragile Is" in the journal The Laurel Review, vol. 46, no. 1, pages 58-60.
Dodd also published an essay, "Long Count in the Present Time," in the journal A Journal of the Built and Natural Environments, no. 30.
Don Hedrick, professor, published "To Discipline or Not to Discipline" in the journal Symploke vol. 20, no. 1-2, pages 269-277.
Dan Hoyt, assistant professor, published the short story "A Bus Full of Hemingways" in the journal Denver Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 1, pages 64-67.
Kase Johnstun, instructor, published the book "Rough Men Stand Ready: An Anthology of War Written by Veterans and Those Who Love Them," co-edited with Sean Davis and published by Hubris Press, Portland, Ore.
Johnstun also published the essay "Loaded Questions: On Leaving Tacoma" in Post Defiance on Nov. 29 and the essay "Part One: The Day I Made The Minors" in The Good Men on Nov. 28.
Jim Machor, professor, published "Editor's Introduction: Reception Turns a Page" with Amy Blair in the journal Reception: Readers, Texts, Audiences, History, vol. 4, pages iv-ix.
Phillip Marzluf, associate professor, published "Examining Teachers' and Students' Attitudes towards Plagiarism" in the journal Critical Conversations About Plagiarism, edited by Michael Donnelly, Rebecca Ingalls, Tracy Ann Morse, Joanna Castner Post and Anne Meade Stockdell-Giesler, and published by Parlor Press, West Lafayette, Ind., pages 7-21.
Marzluf also published "Words, Borders, Herds: Post-Socialist English and Nationalist Language Identities in Mongolia" in the journal International Journal of the Sociology of Language, vol. 2012, issue 218, pages 195-216.
Wendy Matlock, assistant professor, published the essay "Talking Animals, Debating Beasts" in the edited book collection "Rethinking Chaucerian Beasts" published by Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pages 217-231.
Philip Nel, professor, published "Same Genus, Different Species?: Comics and Picture Books" in the journal Children's Literature Association Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 4, pages 445-453.
Nel also published the articles "From Adjunct to the Tenure Track – Part I" at Inside Higher Education on Oct. 1 and "Adjunct to the Tenure Track – Part II" at Inside Higher Education on Oct. 3.
Donna Potts, professor, published "Service, Sex Work, and the Profession" in Academe vol. 98, no. 6.
Dave Smit, professor, published the book "Ingrid Bergman: The Life, Career and Public Image" printed by McFarland, Jefferson, N.C.
Karin Westman, associate professor and department head, and Naomi Wood, associate professor, published the journal Lion and the Unicorn, vol. 36, no. 3 with David Russell.
During October and November, faculty and graduate students in the English department presented the following 24 talks and readings:
Dodd presented "Calibrations: Poems" and "On Being a 'University Press Author': Commentary and Excerpts from Horizon's Lens" at the Western Literature Association Conference on Nov. 8 and 10 in Lubbock, Texas.
Gregory Eiselein, professor, presented "'Darkness Made Visible': Louisa May Alcott and Charles Dickens" at the Society for the Study of American Women Writers International Conference on Oct. 13 in Denver, Colo.
Hedrick, presented "Shakespeare's Assemblages" on Nov. 3 and "Shakespeare's Audience Assemblage" on Nov. 10 at the American Society for Theater Research in Nashville, Tenn.
Hedrick also presented "The Production of Stupidity: Scattered Speculations on a Theoretical Problem" at the Institute for Culture and Society, Simon Fraser University, on June 28 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Johnstun presented "Thou Shall Not Bear False Hypothesis" at South Central Modern Language Association Conference on Nov. 7 in San Antonio.
Marzluf presented "'A Mouth for Speaking, Hands for Writing': Twentieth-Century Socialist Literacy Sponsors in Communist Mongolia" at the Central Eurasian Studies Society Conference on Oct. 20 in Bloomington, Ind.
Matlock presented "'For all the yerne that I may spynne': Women's Work in Fifteenth-Century England" at the 2012 PAMLA Conference on Oct. 20 in Seattle.
Deborah Murray, instructor, presented "Finding the Me in We: How a Collaborative Project Can Forge Tutor Identity" with undergraduates Kirsten Hermreck, Charlesia McKinney and Kristin Selby at the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing on Nov. 3 in Chicago.
Nel presented the invited talk "Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed Children's Literature" at the Children's Literary Salon, New York Public Library, on Oct. 27 in New York.
Nel also presented "Getting a Race-Lift: Whitewashing, Marketing, and Resistance in Children's Literature" at the American Studies Association annual meeting on Nov. 16 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kara Northway, assistant professor, presented "Cross-Institutional Writing Center Focus Groups: Benefits, Surprises, and Pitfalls," with graduate students Kelsey Hixson-Bowles and Jessica Reyes and others at the International Writing Centers Association Conference on Oct. 28 in San Diego.
Anne Phillips, associate professor, presented "'More Complex than I Originally Anticipated': Understanding Mildred Taylor's and Harper Lee's Multifaceted Characters" with undergraduate student Kirsten Hermreck and graduate student Cara Langston at the Kansas Association of Teachers of English on Oct. 25 in Wichita.
Phillips also presented "'My Soul Has Grown Deep Like Rivers': Teaching Jacqueline Woodson's 'Locomotion' in the context of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance" with graduate student alum Caley Cole-Robinson at the Kansas Association of Teachers of English on Oct. 26 in Wichita.
Potts presented "AAUP Success Stories" at the American Association of University Professors, ASC workshop on Nov. 10 at Washington University, St. Louis. Potts presented this same presentation at American Association of University Professors' National Council meeting on Nov. 17 in Washington, D.C.
Potts also presented "Shared Governance in Kansas and Missouri" at the joint meeting of the Kansas and Missouri State Conference executive committees of the Association of American University Professors on Oct. 20 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City; "The AAUP: First Principles," and "How a Chapter can Transform your Campus" at the Student Union, University of Kansas on Oct. 18 in Lawrence; "How a Chapter can Transform your Campus" at St. Louis University Oct. 18 in St. Louis; "Strengthening Chapters" at the Nebraska AAUP State Conference Meeting on Oct. 13 at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Neb.; and "Occupying the Corporate Campus" at the AAUP State Conference Meeting on Oct. 6 at University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
Smit presented "Perception and Memory: Multimodal Rules for Designing Graphic Displays" with Richard Hoag at the Biannual Conference of the Design Communication Association on Oct. 22 in Stillwater, Okla.
Westman, presented "The Absent Presence?: Seeing Children's Literature and Modernism through Voyant" for the seminar "Using Digital Humanities: Tools to Consider the Spectacles of Modernist Scholarship" on Oct. 20, and "Performing History through Genre" and a round-table, "Beyond Modernist Periodization: Alternatives to the Canonical Half-Century" on Oct. 19 at the 14th annual Modernist Studies Association in Las Vegas.