August 17, 2020
Honor and Integrity System reminders
As you begin classes this semester both in person and online, please remember the Honor and Integrity System is in place to hold students accountable for academic integrity to maintain and uphold the integrity of the K-State degree.
Online sites such as
During the 2019/2020 academic year, the Honor and Integrity System received many reports from all disciplines originating with students posting or accessing exam and/or homework questions on online sites such as,,,, etc. We highly recommend that you avoid posting and viewing any of these sites that claim to be helping students. Your professors could hold you accountable for posting and viewing. We encourage you to contact your professor, GTA or university-sponsored tutor if you need support rather than looking at these sites.
Other forms of academic integrity:
Please remember that all forms of academic integrity can be reported to the Honor and Integrity System. If you are taking a shortcut or an easy way out, these are often considered violations. The most common violations are plagiarism (so know how to cite your material), unauthorized collaboration (know when you can and to what extent you can work together with someone), unauthorized aid (know what resources you can or cannot use on homework or exams), and falsification (be honest in all that you say or do).
Fundamental values:
As an institutional member of the International Center for Academic Integrity, members of the K-State community are expected to follow and promote the six fundamental values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. Read more information about the values.
Say something:
All persons at K-State can report violations. The report form can be found on the website If you do not want to report a fellow student, we encourage you to talk with your professor about what you have seen/heard.
We want you and your fellow classmates to be successful at K-State and we want to maintain the integrity of the K-State degree for alumni and current students.