October 21, 2020
Eating Healthy on a Budget virtual event Oct. 26-30
Powercat Financial along with the WellCAT Ambassadors will host the annual Eating Healthy on a Budget event Oct. 26-30.
Eating Healthy on a Budget will look a little different this year than previous years as everything will be done virtually. We will have great tips and video demonstrations that you will be able to implement into your diets while also saving on your budget. Right now wellness is important and a healthy diet plays a very important role in that.
Throughout the week, Powercat Financial and the WellCAT Ambassadors will post tips on things you can do to eat healthy while on a budget on their social media pages, @Kstatepf and @ksu_wellcat.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 4 p.m. WellCAT Ambassadors will go live via Instagram and do a grocery store tour showing you some healthy and cheaper alternatives.
Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 3 p.m. Powercat Financial will host a Facebook live event where we compare name brand items to value items showing how much more you can save.
Thursday, Oct. 28, at 4 p.m. the WellCAT Ambassadors will give a live cooking demo on their Instagram page where they will make pumpkin muffins.
A Google drive of resources to help you shop and eat healthy on a budget is available at bit.ly/KSU-EHOB. To top the week off, there will be some gift cards given to the top participants who engage with our posts. Keep an eye on our Powercat Financial and WellCAT Ambassador social media channels for all the details.
Email powercatfinancial@k-state.edu with any questions.