February 16, 2021
Classes canceled, campuses closed today
Submitted by Communications and Marketing
All Kansas State University campuses are closed today, Feb. 16, and all classes, whether remote or online, are canceled.
Employees who are able to work remotely may do so. There is no expectation for remote employees to work when the university is closed.
Essential employees should report to work or contact their supervisor if unable to report to work. Essential employees who work on Feb. 16 are eligible for inclement weather compensatory leave. Nonessential employees who work are not eligible to earn compensatory time. Employees who do not work on Feb. 16 are eligible to utilize inclement weather leave. Employees with pre-approved leave for Feb. 16 will remain as scheduled. Please direct any additional questions to hr@k-state.edu and a response will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Lafene Health Center will be closed. On-campus dining services on both the Manhattan and Polytechnic campuses will operate on reduced hours.
Researchers should prepare for potential outages. Please read the Division of Information Technology status blog for information about computing and network services.
Additional information is available from Gov. Kelly.