November 9, 2021
Human Development and Family Science Association focuses on student connection and well-being

The Human Development and Family Science Association launched its 2021-2022 school year with a come-and-go connection event in September and is holding another connection event for human development and family science students from 7-8:30 p.m. today, Nov. 9, in the Hoffman Lounge at Justin Hall.
The evening’s agenda includes a brief review of the organization’s revised bylaws, hands-on gratitude activities and planning for the “Safe Sleep Community Baby Shower." Riley County has a higher rate of infant mortality than the state’s average. The education and resources provided to vulnerable mothers and their partners through the baby shower are aimed at improving that rate.
Human development and family science is a broad and dynamic field, and the Human Development and Family Science Association helps its members discover meaningful careers in a variety of helping professions. The association provides students in the program with peer support, networking opportunities and connections to human service professions. Annual membership dues are $20, which includes the purchase of an association shirt.
The association's executive committee officers for 2021-2022 are Abbie Kummer, senior from Colby; Jayme Hay, senior from Manhattan; Tiana Sothers, senior from Belleville; and Emily Ivey, junior from Shawnee. Opportunities to serve on the association's executive committee in communications are available. Contact Abbie Kummer or Jayme Hay for more information. Learn more about the Human Development and Family Science Association here.