January 27, 2022
Morse Department of Special Collections faculty publish multiple research articles
Recently, five faculty members with K-State Libraries' Richard L. D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections completed various accomplishments, including publishing works in academic journals and other outlets, and presenting their research at conferences.
Veronica Denison, university archivist, co-authored "Teaching Archival Research Methods Through Projects in Ethnohistory" in the Journal of Western Archives. She also presented "Improving Accessibility in Archival Spaces" at the Midwest Archives Conference annual meeting and co-authored and presented "It's Not Busy Work" at the 21st annual Brick and Click: An Academic Library Conference, with Tara Coleman, programming services coordinator at K-State Libraries.
Helena Egbert, processing archivist, co-authored "Archivist to Archivist: Employing an Ethics of Care Model with Interns and Student Workers" in the Journal of Western Archives. She also presented "Starting a New Position during a Pandemic" at the New York Archives Week Symposium of The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York Inc.
Irina Rogova, digital resources archivist, presented "Teaching Students How to Describe Archival Collections" at the 2021 ACRL. She also published "Creating Descriptive Metadata with Undergraduate Students" in The Teaching with Primary Sources Cookbook.
Cliff Hight, head of special collections, in collaboration with Rogova and Coleman, presented "Trigger Warning: What To Do with the Ugly History that Lurks in Your Archives," a podcast for The Library Collective conference. Hight, in collaboration with Elizabeth Kiss, associate professor and extension specialist in the personal financial planning department at K-State, published "Digital Estate Planning" in MF3591 with the K-State Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. He also contributed to the Dictionary of Archives Terminology with the Society of American Archivists.
Ryan Leimkuehler, university records manager, published "Employee Training" in The Handbook of Archival Practice. He also presented "Records Management at a Distance, or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Have a Sunny Disposition" at the Society of American Archivists annual meeting.
The publication and presentation of these works highlight K-State Libraries' faculty continuous research in archival management trends.