April 1, 2022
Engage with the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry this semester
There’s still time to engage with the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry, or OURCI, this semester!
OURCI Research and Conference/Travel Awards
Undergraduate students from all disciplines in good academic standing are encouraged to apply for these opportunities. Students can be starting or currently participating in a faculty-led research project.
Research Awards — Applications are due April 8. Research Awards help students support the purchase of supplies for a project or as compensation for time spent working on a project. Funds will go directly to the student. Faculty oversight of research is required. Applications include completion of a student portion and a letter of recommendation from the faculty mentor. The maximum award amount is $500. More information is available at bit.ly/3AjglWq.
Conference/Travel Awards — Applications are due April 8. Conference/Travel Awards pay for travel-related undergraduate research expenses. This can include travel to conduct research or travel to a conference to present research. Funds will go directly to the student. Faculty oversight of research is required. Applications include completion of a student portion and a letter of recommendation from the faculty mentor. The maximum award amount is $500 for an in-person conference or $250 for a virtual conference. More information is available at bit.ly/351RaLh.
Spring Undergraduate Research Showcase
The Spring K-State Undergraduate Research Showcase is an event designed to highlight and celebrate undergraduate research happening in and out of classes in departments across campus. Registration for the virtual component is still open.
The in-person poster session will take place from 5-7 p.m. April 21 in the K-State Student Union Grand Ballroom. Registration for the in-person component is closed. However, the K-State community is invited to attend the in-person undergraduate research showcase.
The virtual component of the Research Showcase will be April 20-22, on the SymposiumOne platform. Registration is still open for the virtual component; the deadline to register is April 7. Abstract, poster and video will be requested on the registration form. Event information and registration can be found at bit.ly/URSvirtual.
Questions about any of these programs and opportunities should be sent to ourci@k-state.edu.