April 5, 2022
Undergraduate student mentors needed for the GROW and EXCITE summer workhsops
The K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, or KAWSE, seeks applications for undergraduate student mentors to provide support at the GROW and EXCITE summer workshops June 8-10 on the Manhattan campus.
Summer mentors are KAWSE summer staff. The mentor works directly with the GROW and EXCITE Summer Workshops. Mentor training occurs on June 7.
The mentor occupies a crucial role in enriching the experiences of middle school and high school participants in the workshops through role modeling appropriate behavior, mentoring prospective students and supervising underage participants during activities and overnight stays in the residence halls. The job description and link to apply are available at k-state.edu/kawse/succeed/employment.html. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.
GROW and EXCITE are outreach programs for middle and high school students. They are designed to encourage and support girls' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, disciplines. Students of all genders are welcome to participate.
- GROW is open to students finishing fifth through seventh grades in May.
- EXCITE: open to students finishing the eighth through 11th grades in May.
Questions may be directed to the KAWSE program coordinator or call 785-532-6088 or at 1011 Seaton Hall.