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  4. »Students can opt-in and claim discounted Lyft rides by using K-State SafeRide

K-State Today Student Edition

August 22, 2022

Students can opt-in and claim discounted Lyft rides by using K-State SafeRide

Submitted by Center for Student Involvement

The Center for Student Involvement invites students to opt-in to the SafeRide program operated by Lyft.

SafeRide operated by Lyft provides all students on the Manhattan campus discounted late-night rides within the city limits during the eligible windows utilizing the Lyft app. SafeRide is a program funded by students for students through the student services fee.

All eligible students were sent an email from Lyft on Aug. 17 encouraging them to opt-in to the program. Doing so and connecting their Lyft account to their @ksu.edu email address, will allow them to claim discounted rides each month.

In August, the promo available to students will be $8 off a ride for a maximum of 2 rides for the month per student.

Each month the promo will change. Information about each month’s promo will be made available in future K-State Today articles, social media, and the SafeRide website.

Read more about SafeRide. 

Remember to ask your driver #WhatsMyName. Cats Don't Drink and Drive.

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