August 22, 2022
Students can opt-in and claim discounted Lyft rides by using K-State SafeRide
Submitted by Center for Student Involvement
The Center for Student Involvement invites students to opt-in to the SafeRide program operated by Lyft.
SafeRide operated by Lyft provides all students on the Manhattan campus discounted late-night rides within the city limits during the eligible windows utilizing the Lyft app. SafeRide is a program funded by students for students through the student services fee.
All eligible students were sent an email from Lyft on Aug. 17 encouraging them to opt-in to the program. Doing so and connecting their Lyft account to their email address, will allow them to claim discounted rides each month.
In August, the promo available to students will be $8 off a ride for a maximum of 2 rides for the month per student.
Each month the promo will change. Information about each month’s promo will be made available in future K-State Today articles, social media, and the SafeRide website.
Remember to ask your driver #WhatsMyName. Cats Don't Drink and Drive.