August 22, 2022
Provost names search committee for dean of College of Health and Human Sciences
Submitted by Office of the Provost
Chuck Taber, provost and executive vice president, has appointed the committee to lead a national search for the university's next dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Chairing this committee will be Debbie Mercer, dean of the College of Education. The university has engaged the services of Academic Career and Executive Search, an executive search firm, to support the search process.
Search committee members:
- Debbie Mercer, committee chair, professor and dean of the College of Education.
- Brad Behnke, professor and associate dean of research and graduate programs in the College of Health and Human Sciences.
- Laci Cornelison, PEAK 2.0 project coordinator and research assistant, instructor in the Center on Aging.
- Lois Cox, senior vice president for investments and chief investment officer at the KSU Foundation.
- Bradley Dirks, associate director of the physician assistant program.
- Sherry Haar, professor in the interior design and fashion studies department.
- Shawna Jordan, assistant professor and assistant dean for student success in the College of Health and Human Sciences.
- Derek Lawson, assistant professor in the personal financial planning department.
- Brian Lindshield, professor and associate head of the food, nutrition, dietetics and health department.
- Mindy Markham, professor and interim head of the applied human sciences department.
- Mary Oborny, office specialist in the kinesiology department.
- Heidi Pickerell, senior vice president of adult services at the Capper Foundation.
- David Poole, university distinguished professor in the kinesiology and anatomy and physiology departments and director of the Cardiorespiratory Exercise Lab.
- Kevin Roberts, professor and interim head of the hospitality management department.
- RJ Salmen, junior in personal financial planning.
- Aspen Streetman, graduate student in kinesiology.