October 7, 2022
Environmental health stories top the newest One Health newsletter

The October issue of the One Health Newsletter, hosted by Kansas State University, is now online. One Health refers to the interconnections between human, animal and environmental health. The newsletter is distributed worldwide to a group of health professionals and scientists.
The theme of this issue is "Environmental Health." Story topics for this issue include addressing the question of whether bacteria and viruses associated with microplastics, efforts to control the emergence and spread of Mayaro virus and more.
This newsletter was created to lend support to the One Health Initiative and is dedicated to enhancing the integration of animal, human and environmental health for the benefit of all by demonstrating One Health in practice. Editors include K-State faculty and students in addition to JP Gonzalez and Helena Chapman.
Contributions from professionals around the globe are welcome and can be submitted at onehealthnewsletter@gmail.com.