September 21, 2023
New monthly series 'Demystify Environmental Science' begins tonight
"Demystify Environmental Science" is a new monthly series offered by the environmental science program at K-State. It is set up as a casual gathering with a combination of a short presentation and group discussion.
The first event is from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21, at Union Station by JP's. The event is open to all.
This month we'll talk about environmentally related student involvement opportunities both on and off campus and hear from Zak Ratajczak about how he was able to spark the creation of The Meadow during his time as a student at K-State.
Future topics will include understanding the differences between climate change and global change, jobs and internships in environmental sciences, publishing and presenting your science, graduate studies, data modeling and coding, and programing for environmental sciences.