August 27, 2013
Seven information technology resources for students
This quick spotlight gives a rundown on key information technology resources that were updated and/or new services added over the summer for K-Staters. Read this back-to-school primer on information technology tools to make campus life easier.
7. eID rolling passwords — K-State transitioned from set password-change periods to individual password expirations. eID passwords now need to be changed every 180 days. This enhancement is designed to distribute the password expirations throughout the year, as opposed to the set times we had in the past.
6. Mobile clinics in the Union — During the first two weeks of school, information technology help clinics will be set up from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Union near the food court to assist students with Office 365 and other information technology support needs. To learn more about the transition to Office 365, visit
5. Zoom videoconferencing — A campuswide site license allows all K-Staters to videoconference from school or work with up to 25 others. Link to and create an account with your K-State email address.
4. Connect page — K-State's personalized interactive dashboard. Use this site to connect to your email, eProfile, and iSIS student information system. View and print your course schedule and find class locations by clicking on an interactive map.
3. Wireless network connections — A current K-State eID and password is required to configure your device and access K-State's secure wireless network. XpressConnect is an automated configuration tool that makes it easy to configure your device and connect to the wireless network.
2. Equipment checkout — The updated site includes photos, details, and "best used for" recommendations for K-Staters who need to use technology at no charge.
1. IT Help Desk — This is the first point of contact for computing and technology answers. Email, call 785-532-7722, or visit 214 Hale Library.
For more information technology resources and services, see the Welcome to information technology at K-State webpage or the information technology services homepage. And keep up on what's happening in K-State information technology by following these channels: