March 18, 2024
New DARS/uAchieve Self-Service tool launched today
DARS/uAchieve Self-Service has officially launched today, March 18.
As a student, you will start running your degree audits from the new self-service tool. Before this, students used the KSIS version to run their degree audits. This version no longer exists, and you will be greeted with a polite reminder to navigate to the new tool. It is highly recommended you bookmark this URL in your browser.
Live training will be held this week and next to help familiarize students with the new environment. Please register for a training session by following the links on the Registrar's website. You can also find pre-recorded training videos, step-by-step articles and some FAQ on the website. This webpage will be continuously updated in the upcoming weeks as we load new help documents.
If at any point you have questions that need immediate attention, please reach out to your dean's office for assistance.