August 29, 2013
Top questions being answered at the IT Help Desk
Question: I can't get on the K-State wireless network. What do I do?
Get on the KSU Guest open wireless network, then link to and follow the instructions.
Question: K-State's antivirus software won't work on my computer. What do I do?
First, did you uninstall your own antivirus software before installing K-State's Trend Micro? Once you have removed your antivirus, link to and follow the instructions.
Question: I can't sign in to iSIS, email, or K-State Online. What do I do?
Check to ensure your eID password is correct. If you don't remember your password, call the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722.
Question: How do I set up my mobile device to the correct email system?
If you are using the new Office 365 email, link to the Office 365 student migration website, go to the "Connecting to Office 365" section, and find your mobile device configuration.
If you are still using Zimbra email, link to the Connecting to K-State Zimbra website, go to the "Connecting with mobile devices" section, and find your mobile device configuration.