April 30, 2024
Sigma Xi to present Science Café on May 8 with President Linton and Vice President Rosowsky
Submitted by Ignacio Ciampitti

The K-State Chapter of Sigma Xi will host a Science Café with the President Richard Linton and Vice President for Research David Rosowsky at 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, in the Leadership Studies Building, McVay Family Town Hall.
Linton and Rosowsky will present "An open discussion on the vision for our university and the role of academia in the U.S."
Register by May 3. See the QR code on the event flyer or use this registration link. All are welcome to attend.
Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society is the international honor society of science and engineering. One of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world, Sigma Xi has a distinguished history of service to science and society for more than 125 years. Sigma Xi chapters can be found at colleges and universities, government laboratories, and industry research centers around the world. More than 200 Nobel Prize winners have been members.
The K-State Chapter of Sigma Xi is a unique opportunity for scientists and engineers on campus with diverse training to interact. With changes in the world and the university, we hope you will join us in taking a renewed interest in developing and strengthening our campuswide, interdisciplinary, scientific interactions.
If you have not already done so, please complete or renew your Sigma Xi membership.
For more information, contact the 2024 K-State Sigma Xi Leadership Team: Ignacio Ciampitti, president; Martha Mather, past president; or Jack Sytsma, student representative.