September 27, 2024
College of Education faculty team selected as editors for Action in Teacher Education academic journal
A faculty team in the College of Education’s department of curriculum and instruction has been selected as the new editorial team for the peer-reviewed journal Action in Teacher Education following a national search.
Todd Goodson, professor and associate dean, will serve as editor. Amanda Lickteig, teaching associate professor, and Eileen Wertzberger, assistant professor, will serve as co-associate editors. Action in Teacher Education is the signature publication for one of the two major professional organizations for teacher education in the United States and has been in publication for nearly 50 years.
“We are honored to house this prestigious national peer-reviewed journal in our College of Education,” said Dean Debbie Mercer. “Dr. Goodson brings years of editorial experience to the team and will be an incredible mentor to Drs. Lickteig and Wertzberger.”
Goodson is pleased to add another dimension to K-State’s longstanding and influential contributions to the field of teacher education.
“This journal has been an important outlet within the teacher education community for decades, and its metrics position it well as a respected voice in the social sciences,” Goodson said. “We are proud to bring this editorship to the K-State community.”
Alisa Chapman, ATE executive director, said the K-State team is well positioned to uphold the journal’s high-quality scholarly research.
The team’s three-year term began in August, and they can serve a maximum of six years.
This journal serves as a forum for research and theory exploring all aspects of teacher education. For more information about ATE and the journal, visit