January 29, 2021
COVID-19 university updates
Updates from leadership
- Share feedback on University Strategic Diversity and Inclusion plan
- Athletics update with AD Gene Taylor
News and research
- Education Abroad Week events, Feb. 1-5
- Out in STEM, oSTEM, meets at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 1
- Wildcat Reads: Thomas Lane reads book to celebrate Kansas Day
- Spring 2021 Basic Language Training registration now open
- 'Let's Talk Art' livestream conversation with artist Randy Regier and film screening with director Gail Lerner
- Tree identification courses offered
Volunteer opportunities
January 28, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Computer science initiative expands programming fundamental offerings to small colleges, high schools
- Online degree programs recognized for excellence in latest U.S. News and World Report rankings
- K-State faculty listed top researchers in recent study
Shared governance
- MLK Week of Service donations and DIYs
- Registration open for annual Three Minute Thesis competition
- New program for agriculture careers will launch Feb. 1
- Anthony Fehr to present Division of Biology Seminar
- Livestream discussion today of 'The Learning Tree,' a semi-autobiographical novel and film by Gordon Parks
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- JMC's Keener presents at 'Rooms' symposium
- College of Veterinary Medicine professor elected to national role
January 27, 2021
COVID-19 university updates
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Spring 2021 Week of Welcome events kick off Feb. 2
- KAWSE to host virtual screening of 'Picture A Scientist'
- International Coordinating Council announces 2021 spring semester events
University life
- International Buddies open for spring 2021 applications
- Participate in K-State Resiliency Week
- Douglas Benson scholarship applications now being accepted
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Center for Financial Analysis welcomes new cohort to Financial Analyst Program
- Two K-State graduates to receive 2020 Distinguished Young Alumni Award
January 26, 2021
COVID-19 university updates
Updates from leadership
Shared governance
- K-State celebrates MLK Observance Week Feb. 1-5
- UPC presents virtual concert by Neon Trees featuring 3OH!3
- Live Ideas announces short story competition
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
January 25, 2021
COVID-19 university updates
- Lafene Health Center begins offering additional COVID-19 testing sites
- Reminders on university cleaning and disinfecting procedures
From the provost
Updates from leadership
- Spring semester update from the chief diversity and inclusion officer
- Inclusive Excellence spotlight: Kathleen Greene
News and research
- Livestream discussion of 'The Learning Tree,' a semi-autobiographical novel and film by Gordon Parks
- 'Get Rid of Your BS' with Risha Grant — an unconscious bias experience
- UFM Community Learning Center spring 2021 catalog now available
- Noontime Yoga not offered spring 2021
University life
- College of Agriculture Ambassadors application open
- Nominate a K-State student for a K-State Alumni Association award
- Apply for 2021-22 Union ambassador positions
- Alpha Phi Omega seeks new K-State and community advisors
- Spring into the semester at the Union
- Valentine's Day banners at University Printing
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Horticulture doctoral student receives Watson Fellowship
- Theatre undergraduates present research at conference
- Don Saucier recognized as Professor of the Week
- 28th annual Concert Band Clinic hosted virtually
Personnel changes
January 21, 2021
January 20, 2021
As part of the Every Wildcat A Wellcat, or EWAW, campaign, every student and employee will receive a free wellness kit for the spring semester. Learn more about the kits and how they will be distributed.
COVID-19 university updates
- Every Wildcat A Wellcat student wellness kits available for spring semester
- Updates on COVID-19 in K-State communities
News and research
January 13, 2021
Every Wildcat A Wellcat is a university initiative to promote a safe return to K-State. It is important that every Wildcat is a Wellcat.
COVID-19 university updates
- Come back, 'Cats: Spring 2021 guide for students
- Returning to K-State checklist
- Updates on COVID-19 in K-State communities
- Students must complete face covering, COVID-19 training
- For your health: What to do before returning to campuses for the spring semester
- Lafene Health Center prepared for vaccine administration
Updates from leadership
January 6, 2021
From the president
COVID-19 university updates
- Updates on COVID-19 in K-State communities
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act expired Dec. 31, 2020