| | | |  | This grip uses the middle finger on the inside of the rim and the index finger under the disc to support it. The disc flicks off the end of the middle finger. One key to making a good forehand throw is stepping perpendicular to its intended direction. Right-handers should set their left foot as their pivot foot, step two or three feet to the right with their right leg, bend their right knee, and throw the disc with their arm half extended. You want as much spin on the disc as you can get to keep it stable (and angling the far edge of the disc down will help beginners gain control of this throw). The hammer (or U.D.) is made with this same grip, but the disc is thrown overhead, almost like throwing a football. Keep the top of the disc facing your head and give it as much spin as you can. The trick to throwing a good hammer pass is knowing how the disc falls at the end of its flight, so watch it closely as you practice. | |  |