Manhattan 2003 Summer League

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Koke sets up the GAIA ultimate display. GAIA sponsored the Manhattan Summer League by donating ultimate products which were given away at the end of the season banquet.

Verzani and Culbertson ham it up for the camera while Soccer Mark continues warming up for the evening's games.

With slight mistiming, the photographer Hai only captures the end results of Dave going Z.

Turner leaves the field after a point during the super grudge match.

Rich with the winner of the cutest player of the summer award.

Prior tothe post game discussion at Rock-A-Belly Deli (summer league sponsor) Rich and Turner discuss why anyone would want to play ultimate in the dark.

Verzani, Ralph, Koke and Nicole relive the evening's games over a refreshing beverage.

All photographs on this page were taken by Hai. No animals were harmed while taking the photographs or during the development of this web page. K-State Ultimate appreciates the support of GAIA and Rock-A-Belly for the Manhattan Summer League.

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