Freshman and Transfer Students

Apply for your Certificate of Eligibility (VA website)

How to apply for the GI Bill and related benefits

Please allow approximately 30 to 45 days to receive your Certificate of Eligibility (COE).

  • Used benefits in the past? You can obtain a Statement of Benefits instead of your COE through the VA website.
  • Don't have your original COE? Submit through the Ask VA portal or call 888-442-4551 for a copy of your COE.

Upload your completed forms and documents using our secure document upload.

VA Secure Document Upload

Be aware - All forms and documents must be uploaded using secure document upload. Email attachments will not be processed.

For all students using Chapters 30, 35 & 1606:  You are responsible for the payment of your K-State account balance. A deferment may be placed on your account to give extra time for VA payments to begin but you are still responsible for the term balance

Complete veteran enrollment certification request form and upload COE

Enrollment Certification Request
  • Note for Ch. 31 VR&E users only: Upload a document with your VR&E counselor's name and contact info since you will not have a COE. Please also note, your bookstore purchases will require a different process than the rest of your benefits

Admitted as Out-of-State? Apply for a Residency Waiver

Residency and waiver forms
  • Set up direct deposit through the cashier’s office for any K-State refunds
  • K-State direct deposit is independent of VA direct deposit. Click here to Change Your Direct Deposit Information with the VA.
  • Students can grant parents, guardians, or others the ability to pay bills, view tax information, and view financial aid. Designee access only applies to financial records and does not include access to academic documents such as grades or class schedules.