College or department link

Use the catalog - college or department link component to link to a college or department page in the most recent catalog. When new catalogs are created, the link will be updated to the most recent.

Component's input form showing three fields: Catalog, college/department name, and link text

Three fields are available in the component's dialog box.

Field Details
Catalog These radio buttons select which catalog type will be used: Undergraduate or Graduate. The generated link will always be to the most recent version of the specified type.

This required text input field specifies which college or department to link. The name must be spelled exactly as in the catalog. Copy/paste from the catalog to make sure the name matches. Note the college names include a "College of" prefix, but departmental names do not include "Department of".

Link text This text input field specifies the content of the generated link. The default is the college/department name. Because this is generally appropriate, this field is often omitted.


College and department links

To learn more about our undergraduate degrees and courses, visit the Loading... section of the course catalog. Additional departments in agriculture are described in the Loading... catalog page.

Custom link text

Loading... is K-State's largest college.

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