Template details

K-State continues to use the OmniUpdate content management system. New templates are implemented in the CMS along with updated branding.


Many template concepts taught at CMS training are the same. Use of headings, link text, accessibility, SEO best practices and more have not changed. These are some areas that are different:


  • Legacy templates
    • originally had a single unitmenu.inc in each top-level folder
    • Horizontal menus added a horizontal-menu.pcf in the root
  • Now there is a single menu.pcf -- one big nested list
    • The main menu items are an approved set for the colleges
    • The items under each main menu are limited to eight.
    • All pages must be linked in the menu or the menu won't appear on the page.


Standard text is entered in Edit Mode in the content area. However, template features are implemented using components. Inserting a component includes filling in form fields for each feature.

Additional changes

  • There is no longer a right-hand column.
  • Carousels are not used. Usability has shown that changing images are often ignored by users. The current template focuses on a single, dynamic image, the masthead.
  • Instead of a unitaddress.inc on each page, there is a footer with the unit's standard address and social media icons and links.