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You are at the Emotions module for A Course on Helping
Go to Threshold
Go to Stabilization
Go to Mobilization
Go to Transformation
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31% completed


Self-regulation of emotions and helping
During emotional hijacking, we can’t think clearly. We are pure emotion. We need others to help keep us safe, to allow us to experience the impact of our emotions, and to express them in ways that are not harmful. Only then can we arrive at a point when we can listen, think, evaluate, and decide. It takes time for the brain to sort out stressful events.

Therefore, we accept sadness, anger, and fear at the Threshold. At the Threshold, Friends are not good listeners. When they experience compassion and acceptance, Friends can gradually step back at Stabilize to put their loss into perspective.

After finding composure at Stabilize, they can begin to shape a plan of action at Mobilize. As they take action, they take control of their lives. At Transform, they let go of the overwhelming burden of loss while incorporating the memory of it into a new life.

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