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Participation: Creative work submission form

We are interested in hearing from 10-12 year-old children about their experiences in finding the courage to face fear. We would like to share children's essays or other creative work (poems, art) in our Stories section of The Ring of Valor. Teachers who have enrolled in the program should print and send this form home for the parent to sign. Parents can returned the signed form to the teacher who can send the submission(s) and form(s) to us, or parents are welcome to send the form and a child's work directly to us for consideration. All work must be accompanied by a signed form giving us permission to publish the material on our website or in print. If the parent wishes, the child's name will be identified with the work, or, if he or she prefers, the work could be posted anonymously. The hometown or school name will not be mentioned. Note: submissions will NOT be returned.

The essay or poem should be handwritten (or typed if the child has a disability), of reasonable length, and should address the theme: "How I found courage to help myself or another" or "What heroism means to me." Art should have a similar focus.

All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated on three criteria. First, was the work created by a 10-12-year-old? Second, is the writing clear and legible? Third, does the work reveal something vivid and powerful about the child's experience of courage, heroism, and/or fear?. Keep in mind that "everyday heroism" is judged not by whether an action would make the headlines but whether it reveals something of the struggle to stand firm when fear would urge us to run away. Those children whose work are selected for publication will receive an attractive certificate suitable for framing and a beautiful free lacquer lapel pin of our lion logo.

Information to accompany the essay

1. My child's age:

2. My child's first and last name (please print):

3. My child's title for the essay:


4. May we include the child's name as the author?
___No (if no, your child's essay will be identified as "anonymous"

5. My first and last name (please print):


6. My relationship to the child:
___Parent or stepparent

___Other: __________________________

7. My address:


8. My phone number:

9. My email address (if available):

10. My child's teacher's name is (if you received this form from the teacher):


11. My child's school:

12. You have my permission to publish my child's essay on The Ring of Valor website or in written publications.


Send the essay and this signed form to:
The Ring of Valor
c/o Paula Seele
R 343 Justin Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas 66506


maphttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/hero/hero-partic.htm--Revised February 19, 2002
Copyright © 1996-2005 Charles A. Smith. All rights reserved.