Graduation and Commencement Checklists
As you work toward your target graduation date, the checklists below will help you fulfill all requirements by their respective deadlines. You must fulfill certain requirements to graduate (earn your degree), and there are additional actions to complete if you wish to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Spring 2025
Masters and doctoral students
APRIL 15 - deadline to complete all requirements to graduate in the spring
Use a checklist!
You may find it helpful to use a printable checklist (pdf) to keep track of your progress, but it is recommended that you also refer to the web-based checklists below to access additional instructions, forms, and surveys.
Graduation requirements
Complete requirements by deadlines listed below to be a Spring 2025 graduate and receive your graduate degree. It is the student’s responsibility to complete these requirements unless otherwise stated.
Requirement |
Deadline |
Must be enrolled in at least 1 credit hour in the semester you plan to graduate Enrollment exception: If on a F-1/J-1 visa, check with International Student and Scholars Services for possible enrollment requirements to maintain non-immigrant status. |
Submit Program of Study to the Graduate School |
After completing 9 hours of graduate credit |
Complete KSIS graduation application and update degree/diploma mailing address Helpful tips
Before submitting Approval to Schedule Final Exam Form (also see commencement deadlines and diploma information below) |
Doctoral students only Complete the Survey of Support for a Successful Dissertation Defense Your responses to this survey will inform the Graduate School about your readiness for your defense and will guide us in providing you support to eliminate any potential obstacles and facilitate a successful defense. |
At least 1 month before dissertation defense |
Approval to Schedule Final Examination form - This form, with ALL signatures from the supervisory committee, must be received by the Graduate School at least 10 business days before the scheduled exam. The student submits the form, and then it routes to the committee members for their signature. Therefore, the student needs to submit the form more than 10 business days before the final exam to allow time for the form to route to committee members. |
Final exam ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
April 15 |
Complete Graduate School Exit Survey |
April 15 |
April 15 | |
Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates (PhD and EdD only) |
April 15 |
The following requirements apply if completing a thesis, dissertation, or report |
Review requirements for formatting your ETDR |
When you begin writing |
Determine with major professor if ETDR should have a delayed publication. If so, follow procedures to embargo ETDR. |
Beginning of Spring semester |
ETDR ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
April 15 |
Submit ETDR in KREx and wait for confirmation your ETDR has been submitted and approved |
April 15 |
Submit ETDR to ProQuest (PhD and EdD students only) |
April 15 |
April 15 |
Graduate in Summer without having to enroll in the Summer semester
If you miss the deadlines to graduate in the Spring but you complete all degree requirements by May 6, 2025, you will graduate in Summer 2025 without having to enroll in Summer 2025.
Note: If you are on a F-1/J-1 visa, please check with International Student and Scholars Services for possible enrollment requirements to maintain your non-immigrant status.
Commencement requirements
Complete requirements by deadlines listed below to participate in the Spring 2025 commencement ceremony. If you do not meet these deadlines or are unable to participate in the ceremony, you may participate in a future ceremony.
Requirement |
Deadline |
Complete KSIS graduation application for your name to appear in the commencement program booklet
March 3 |
PhD, EdD, and Master of Fine Art graduates ONLY All graduation requirements must be complete to participate in commencement. |
April 15 |
Prepare for commencement Visit K-State’s Commencement Ceremonies website for information to help you prepare for the ceremony. |
Order regalia through K-State Campus Store. All regalia must be purchased. There is not an option to rent. |
see Campus Store site for more information |
Receiving your diploma and final transcript
Below are important dates for receiving your diploma at the correct address and your transcript with Spring semester final grades.
Receiving your diploma |
Deadline |
Update KSIS degree/diploma mailing address to the address where you would like your diploma to be mailed. |
When completing KSIS graduation application |
Digital diploma is sent electronically |
After degrees post to student accounts |
Diploma is received by mail Visit the Registrar's Office site for more information about diplomas. |
Approximately eight weeks after degrees are posted |
Ordering final transcript with Spring grades |
Deadline |
Check KSIS Student Center for holds; most holds must be cleared to order a transcript |
Prior to May 20 |
Final grade posting finishes for Spring 2025 |
May 20 |
Check KSIS Student Center to verify that Spring grades have posted, then order transcripts through “Other Academics” tile in KSIS. |
May 21 |
Deadline to order transcripts at no charge for students graduating in Spring 2025 or who will not be enrolled in Fall 2025. |
June 27 |
Certificate students
Receiving your graduate certificate
First step: Admission to the certificate program
To receive a graduate certificate, you must first complete the application for admission and be admitted to the graduate certificate program.
After admission and completion of certificate requirements
In order to ensure prompt posting and digital distribution of graduate certificates, the following actions must be completed in the order listed.
- Complete the KSIS graduation application in the semester that you are completing requirements for the graduate certificate.
- The electronic graduate certificate completion form should be submitted by the student completing the certificate program (or staff proxy) on or before April 15, 2025.
Summer 2025
Masters and doctoral students
AUGUST 19 - deadline to complete all requirements to graduate in the summer
Use a checklist!
You may find it helpful to use a printable checklist (pdf) to keep track of your progress, but it is recommended that you also refer to the web-based checklists below to access additional instructions, forms, and surveys.
Graduation requirements
Complete requirements by deadlines listed below to be a Summer 2025 graduate and receive your graduate degree. It is the student’s responsibility to complete these requirements unless otherwise stated.
Requirement |
Deadline |
Must be enrolled in at least 1 credit hour in the semester you plan to graduate Enrollment exception: If on a F-1/J-1 visa, check with International Student and Scholars Services for possible enrollment requirements to maintain non-immigrant status. |
Submit Program of Study to the Graduate School |
After completing 9 hours of graduate credit |
Complete KSIS graduation application and update degree/diploma mailing address (also see diploma information section) |
Before submitting Approval to Schedule Final Exam Form |
Doctoral students only Complete the Survey of Support for a Successful Dissertation Defense Your responses to this survey will inform the Graduate School about your readiness for your defense and will guide us in providing you support to eliminate any potential obstacles and facilitate a successful defense. |
At least one month before dissertation defense |
Approval to Schedule Final Examination form - This form, with ALL signatures from the supervisory committee, must be received by the Graduate School at least 10 business days before the scheduled exam. The student submits the form, and then it routes to the committee members for their signature. Therefore, the student needs to submit the form more than 10 business days before the final exam to allow time for the form to route to committee members. |
Final exam ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
August 19 |
August 19 | |
August 19 | |
Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates (PhD and EdD only) |
August 19 |
The following requirements apply if completing a thesis, dissertation, or report |
Review requirements for formatting your ETDR |
When you begin writing |
Determine with major professor if ETDR should have a delayed publication. If so, follow procedures to embargo ETDR. |
Beginning of Summer semester |
ETDR ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
August 19 |
Submit ETDR in KREx and wait for confirmation your ETDR has been submitted and approved |
August 19 |
Submit ETDR to ProQuest (PhD and EdD students only) |
August 19 |
August 19 |
K-State does not hold commencement ceremonies at the end of the Summer semester. Summer graduates are welcome to participate in a future Fall or Spring commencement ceremony. Information about Fall commencement will be distributed to your KSU email address in the Fall semester.
If you do plan to participate in a future commencement ceremony, please be sure to check regalia ordering deadlines for the commencement ceremony you plan to attend. These deadlines are typically updated early to mid-semester in the semester when the ceremony is being held.
Receiving your diploma and final transcript
Below are important dates for receiving your diploma at the correct address and your transcript with Summer semester final grades.
Receiving your diploma |
Deadline |
Update KSIS degree/diploma mailing address to the address where you would like your diploma to be mailed. |
When completing KSIS graduation application |
Digital diploma is sent electronically |
After degrees post to student accounts |
Diploma is received by mail Visit the Registrar's Office site for more information about diplomas. |
Approximately eight weeks after Summer 2025 degrees are posted |
Ordering final transcript with Summer grades |
Deadline |
Check KSIS Student Center for holds; most holds must be cleared to order a transcript |
Prior to August 19 |
Final grade posting finishes for Summer 2025 |
August 19 |
Check KSIS Student Center to verify that Summer grades have posted, then order transcripts through “Other Academics” tile in KSIS |
August 20 |
Deadline to order transcripts at no charge for students graduating in Summer 2025 or who will not be enrolled in Fall 2025. |
September 26 |
Certificate students
Receiving your graduate certificate
In order to ensure prompt posting and digital distribution of graduate certificates, the following actions must be completed in the order listed.
- Complete the KSIS graduation application
- The electronic graduate certificate completion form should be submitted by the student completing the certificate program (or staff proxy) on or before August 19, 2025.
Fall 2025
Masters and doctoral students
NOVEMBER 18 - deadline to complete all requirements to graduate in the fall
Use a checklist!
You may find it helpful to use a printable checklist (pdf) to keep track of your progress, but it is recommended that you also refer to the web-based checklists below to access additional instructions, forms, and surveys.
Graduation requirements
Complete requirements by deadlines listed below to be a Fall 2025 graduate and receive your graduate degree. It is the student’s responsibility to complete these requirements unless otherwise stated.
Requirement |
Deadline |
Must be enrolled in at least 1 credit hour in the semester you plan to graduate |
Submit Program of Study to the Graduate School |
After completing 9 hours of graduate credit |
Complete KSIS graduation application and update degree/diploma mailing address |
Before submitting Approval to Schedule Final Exam Form (also see commencement deadlines and diploma information below) |
Doctoral students only Complete the Survey of Support for a Successful Dissertation Defense Your responses to this survey will inform the Graduate School about your readiness for your defense and will guide us in providing you support to eliminate any potential obstacles and facilitate a successful defense. |
At least 1 month before dissertation defense |
Approval to Schedule Final Examination form - This form, with ALL signatures from the supervisory committee, must be received by the Graduate School at least 10 business days before the scheduled exam. The student submits the form, and then it routes to the committee members for their signature. Therefore, the student needs to submit the form more than 10 business days before the final exam to allow time for the form to route to committee members. |
Final exam ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
November 18 |
Complete Graduate School Exit Survey |
November 18 |
November 18 | |
Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates (PhD and EdD only) |
November 18 |
The following requirements apply if completing a thesis, dissertation, or report |
Review requirements for formatting your ETDR |
When you begin writing |
Determine with major professor if ETDR should have a delayed publication. If so, follow procedures to embargo ETDR. |
Beginning of Summer semester |
ETDR ballot returned to Graduate School by supervisory committee |
November 18 |
Submit ETDR in KREx and wait for confirmation your ETDR has been submitted and approved |
November 18 |
Submit ETDR to ProQuest (PhD and EdD students only) |
November 18 |
November 18 |
Graduate in Spring without having to enroll in the Spring semester
If you miss the deadlines to graduate in the Fall but you complete all degree requirements by December 9, 2025, you will graduate in Spring 2026 without having to enroll in Spring 2026.
Note: If you are on a F-1/J-1 visa, please check with International Student and Scholars Services for possible enrollment requirements to maintain your non-immigrant status.
Commencement requirements
Complete requirements by deadlines listed below to participate in the Fall 2024 commencement ceremony. If you do not meet these deadlines or are unable to participate in the ceremony, you may participate in a future ceremony.
Requirement |
Deadline |
Complete KSIS graduation application for your name to appear in the commencement program booklet
October 1 |
PhD, EdD, and Master of Fine Art graduates ONLY To participate in commencement, all graduation requirements must be complete |
November 18 |
Prepare for commencement Registration is not required to participate in commencement. However, terminal degree candidates will be requested to provide hooding faculty information (instructions provided in the fall semester). Visit K-State’s Commencement Ceremonies website for information to help you prepare for the ceremony. |
Order regalia through K-State Campus Store. All regalia must be purchased. There is not an option to rent. |
See Campus Store site for more information |
Receiving your diploma and final transcript
Below are important dates for receiving your diploma at the correct address and your transcript with Fall semester final grades.
Receiving your diploma |
Deadline |
Update KSIS degree/diploma mailing address to the address where you would like your diploma to be mailed. |
when completing KSIS graduation application |
Digital diploma is sent electronically |
After degrees post to student accounts |
Diploma is received by mail Visit the Registrar's Office site for more information about diplomas. |
Approximately eight weeks after Fall 2025 degrees are posted |
Ordering final transcript with Fall grades |
Deadline |
Check KSIS Student Center for holds; most holds must be cleared to order a transcript |
Prior to December 16 |
Final grade posting finishes for Fall 2024 |
December 16 |
Check KSIS Student Center to verify that Fall grades have posted, then order transcripts through “Other Academics” tile in KSIS. |
December 17 |
Deadline to order transcripts at no charge for students graduating in Fall 2025 or who will not be enrolled in Spring 2026. |
To be determined |
Certificate students
Receiving your graduate certificate
In order to ensure prompt posting and digital distribution of graduate certificates, the following actions must be completed in the order listed.
- Complete the KSIS graduation application
- The electronic graduate certificate completion form should be submitted by the student completing the certificate program (or staff proxy) on or before November 18, 2025.