February 4, 2013
Be pet friendly: New license plate lets Kansans improve pet health, support veterinary students
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Kansas residents now have the opportunity to show they support responsible pet ownership and help Kansas State University veterinary students -- all by renewing their license plates.
With a one-time production fee of $45.50 and an annual donation of $50, the new "I'm Pet Friendly" license plate can be picked up at local county tag offices across the state. Proceeds from the plate will support externships for veterinary students at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine as well as spay/neuter programs at animal shelters across the state.
"The opportunity to have these license tags sold in Kansas is really special, not just for the College of Veterinary Medicine, but also for all of the pet owners in Kansas," said Ralph Richardson, dean of the college. "The proceeds from these sales will support scholarships for veterinary students who will go out into Kansas communities and work with local animal shelters, particularly in spay/neuter programs. This can help improve the quality of animal health throughout the state. It's a really, really wonderful time to be able to celebrate this opportunity with this very special tag."
For more information, contact your local county tag office, or call the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University at 1-855-2MY-Pets or 1-855-269-7387.