How to Obtain a Wildcat OneCard (faculty/staff only)


Wildcat OneCard ID

You can obtain a new Wildcat ID card in one of two ways:

Option 1

Visit the K-State ID Center on the ground floor of the Student Union to have your photo taken and card issued within a few minutes.

  • The ID Center is located on the ground floor of the Student Union (near the Campus Bookstore) and is open between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Note: The center is closed Fridays through Aug. 18 for summer hours.
  • Tell the ID Center staff member that you are there to get a Wildcat OneCard so you can access your building during non-business hours. They will have a list that includes your name.
  • Bring a government-issued photo ID, such as a state issued driver’s license, state-issued ID card, military ID card or passport.
  • The ID Center staff member will take your photo and issue your card.
  • Your new card is free.
  • Obtain your new ID card by Aug. 15 to ensure you can access your buiding during non-business hours once the new badge system is in place. Visit the “How to Use the Badge-Access System” page for steps on how to easily use your new badge to access the building.

Option 2

Apply online, along with a digital photo, to have a Wildcat OneCard created.

  • Complete the online application and follow the directions to upload a digital photo and government-issued photo ID.
  • Your new card is free. You will not be charged a $25 fee as stated on the application.
  • Once finished, you will be notified via email if your application was approved and, if so, when your Wildcat OneCard is available for pick up at the ID Center. Note: The approval or denial emails use pre-populated templates that will reference your “student” ID card even though you will receive a faculty/staff card upon approval.
  • The ID Center is located on the ground floor of the Student Union (near the Campus Bookstore) and is open between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Note: The center is closed Fridays through Aug. 18 for summer hours.
  • Visit the “How to Use the Badge-Access System” page for steps on how to easily use your new badge to access the building.