Kansas State Univeristy Release of Liability Form
The following are default rules. Exception can be made depending on the scenario. If exceptions are made, Officers will inform the participators before the game starts.
When a player sustains 1 hit anywhere except their weapon, player is wounded.
Player must safety weapon, retrieve dead rag, place rag on head and remain in a non-threatening (sitting, standing or prone) position. The wounded player may not contact any other player except to say, "I am dead" or "I need a medic". Player can respond to the question, “are you alive or dead?”
No Intel can be given by a wounded player. Player can only give their own location by map coordinates or by landmark location.
Player must keep weapon in a non threatening stance while wounded.
Standard Bleedout – 5 minutes
A player will bleed out and die if they are not medic'd within the alloted 5 minutes. Player will then return to their insertion/respawn point.
Medic must retrieve dead rag from wounded players head.
Wounded soldier is combat effective as soon as medic hands dead rag back to soldier.
A player is medic'd by having all four knots on his dead rag untied. As soon as he recieves his medic rag back from the Medic he is combat effective.
OFFING (while and while not being medic’d)
When a player is wounded. Any additional hit by friendly forces results in immediate death. Player MUST still wait 5 minute bleed out period.
When a player is wounded. Any additional hit by enemy forces results in immediate death and immediate respawn at respawn location.
"Safety Kill" is yelled from one player to another when it would be dangerous to fire your weapon due to the proximity of the two players.
Players can engage with safety kill within 20 feet using ANY weapon.
"Safety Kill" can only be used when a player has the other dead to rights. Being that there is no way the shooter could have missed.
If a safety kill is used and the, now wounded, soldier is startled and shoots back. The original shooter is not out.
"Safety Kill" represents one bullet. "Safety Kill" must be yelled for every enemy that is being engaged.
Solider must be medic’d to be taken hostage.
A hostage can be kept for 10 minutes. After this time he must be released to his insertion/respawn point. A hostage can run from his captors if he is not being watched. If they player is struck again his 10 minute timer resets. Hostages weapons are disabled until they can make it back to friendly forces or an insertion/respawn point.
All Chronoing will be done with club approved .20 gram bb’s.
0-350 – Engagement Range 20 ft
351-420fps – Engagement Range 40 ft
420 + is considered a hot weapon and must be approved by KSUAT officers.
421 + Engagement Range – 60 ft
450 fps max for full automatic weapons.
450 + fps reserved for semi automatic only, DMR – 80 ft (500 MAX FPS)
ANSI Rated Goggles must be worn at all times.
Goggles must seal around eyes.
Goggles must have a solid strap that goes around the back of the head to assure a tight fit to the wearer.
Only exception is in the case where the officers have discussed and voted on an exception (wire mesh goggles, must be approved by the officers).
Goggles are NEVER to be removed until officers OK “Goggle Safe”.
If you witness a player who has lost or removed his goggles. Yell "Blind Man!" and ensure that other in the area are aware. The game is frozen. Safety your weapon and point it towards the ground. Repeat the "Blind man" over the radio and get in touch with your team commander. Game does not resume until your team commander gives the order.
No Blind Firing.
Section 1: This Club will be called the KSU Airsoft Team (KSUAT) and the purpose will be to provide a fun and team-operating experience by playing Airsoft with other members in a safe and legal environment.
Section 1: Membership in the organization shall be open to all students of Kansas State University.
a. Membership shall be defined as someone who attends our meetings regularly; regularity is defined as 3 weeks worth of events.
Section 2: Participation in an Airsoft game requires the ability to perform successfully and safely.
Section 3: There will be different ranks and officers in the team as well as different teams within the larger whole to provide team vs. team experience.
The officers will be chosen beforehand including team captains (at least 2) and during the first couple of meetings.
The teams and all in them must abide by the rules or be expelled from the club after given a fair warning in the first team meeting and 1 warning after that based on the gravity of the offense.
The teams and all in them must listen to the president and captains unless the officers place a member in danger.
Section 1: The officers will be a President, Vice President, three Captains, a Multimedia Technician and a Treasurer.
Section 2: The officers shall be few to promote team play and will be elected on a yearly basis or semester basis if need arises. The officers are elected yearly there is no limit on the number of terms served.
Section 3: The duties of the captains shall be to be present at most meetings and matches. They will make sure their team will be operating safely and will be responsible to an extent for the operators on their team.The Captains run the matches and coordinate scenarios. If the captains cannot attend a match or meeting, the other officers will take over for them. The duties of the president are to keep the team organized and safe. They also will take care of concerns within the club. Vice President will handle all things that the President does and aids in the organizing and administration of the Club. The treasurer will hold and organize all money and make all transactions. He will also keep track of receipts. The Multimedia Technician will take care of all multimedia aspects of the club including but not limited to the website, the forum, and promotional videos.
Section 4: No officer may hold two offices at one time unless the situation falls under Section 3.
Section 1: The meetings will be held on a weekly basis and games will mostly be played on the weekend or at a time most convenient for team individuals. Team captains will provide individuals with pertinent information i.e. match times or equipment checks and will provide individuals not present at the meeting with the same information.
Section 2: Meetings will be called into emergency session to review any major complaint or offense offered or committed by any team member. Anyone wishing to call one should call the president to set up a time and to take care of the issue it if it doesn't’t require an emergency session.
Section 3: Regular meetings will consist of;
Passing of information relative to the club such as new amendments, new members, etc.
Setting up match times
Getting in touch with persons not there
Equipment checks
Payment of dues for events
Section 1: Safety
a. Full face masks are recommended, however approved goggles are acceptable but the operator assumes all risk of injury. Masks will be worn at all times during games and removed only after the game is over unless member is in an area that has been preapproved by the officers as a "safe zone."
b. During a safe period (staging area or any other goggle-free time) it is completely unacceptable to aim a weapon at anyone for any reason. This includes the "safe weapon". No battery, safety on, and or no rounds does not make the weapon safe. Test firing may be done in front of a "fire line" (a line made 180 degrees from the axis of the body directly away from a crowd).
c. Facial orifices will be covered by protection sufficient to the captains’ approval.
d. Guns will be maxed out at 500fps (revised 2-13-06). Guns exceeding the 500fps limit will not be allowed to play.
e. Normal clothing is a necessity, if more clothing is required, more clothing shall be worn.
f. Guns will comply with all federal regulations at all times.
g. During gameplay or hot weapon situations, eye protection MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. If there is an issue or safety equipment malfunction, call "Blindman" loudly.
h. If you hear "Blindman" then repeat the command until everyone is aware. Place your weapon system on "Safe" and keep eye protection on until the field authorities give an all clear.
i. Safety kills are acceptable. However, this is not your goal. Safety engagement rage is 20 feet or less.
Section 2: Gameplay
a. On any normal game, rules will be established beforehand and expected to be followed during the game, any rule broken during the game will result in the operator taken from the game and dealt with by the captain or other officer.
b. One hit per kill unless scenario stated otherwise.
c. Gameplay and scenarios are decided beforehand and the rules may change accordingly.
d. Once dead, the operator must pull out deadrag as quick as possible, communicate effectively that you are out of action and then sit. If intense fire is happening in your immediate area, you may lie down.
e. When you are considered 'wounded' you may be medic'ed back into action. If shot again while wounded, you may not be medic'ed again.
f. It is considered unsportsmanlike to team kill.
g. A downed operator may only call "Medic" or some variation.
h. A downed operator may not have a weapon in a firing position. If so, they assume all risk of being shot again.
i. A dead operator may not give intel at any time.
Section 3: Equipment
a. During games, the gauge of the bb is not regulated. However all Chrono'ing will be done with club approved .20 gram bb's.
b. Equipment for the face must be able to deflect shots (plastic or metal).
c. AEG's may run up to a M120 or equivalent spring for full auto purposes. Any spring over must be approved by an officer
d. Over an M120, engagement ranges will be set and it is the operator's responsibility to adhere to said ranges. Any deviation will be cause enough to remove operator from the game and potentially ban them.
e. All operators have a deadrag
Section 1: The committee will be comprised of every team member and in session at every meeting presided over by the President. Committees will be called into special sessions by any team member with an issue not able to be resolved by the president or the member himself. These would include offenses committed by any member against another, an amendment proposal etc.
Section 2: The committee can override a decision from the president or vice president by majority vote unless the decision override causes people to be in jeopardy.
The official amendment in duty at the time of any offense will be the amendment held by the teacher-moderator.
Section 1: To create an amendment will require the proposal by a team member recognized in a team meeting. The proposal must be typed with an explanation as to why it is being proposed. The committee will then review it at the meeting and by show of a majority approval, adopted into the constitution. The constitution will be revised by the president with the team member who proposed said amendment present. The constitution will then be given to the moderator at the first possible moment.
Section 2: Amendments will be followed by operators or face expulsion or suspension from the team depending on the gravity of offense and sentence by the board. Captains will be responsible to make sure the members are safe before each game but the member will be held ultimately responsible for their actions.
Section 3: Voting is a membership prerogative only. The process is mandated by convenience i.e. whether to vote by ballot or hand. Every member is allowed to vote.
Section 4: Elections will be held towards the end of the year. Any member may run for any office so long as they comply with Article IV. Simple majority rules electoral decisions.