Color Guard
The K-State Color Guard is a performance squad that performs with the Pride of Wildcat Land. Members will have the chance to perform at Pre-Game and half time of K-State Football games, travel to bowl games, and perform at a variety of pep rallies and special events. New and returning members will be required to attend multiple camps throughout the summer prior to the start of the band season.
2025 Color Guard Audition Information
Audition Information and Letter of Intent instructions:
- Audition Information PDF
- Letter of Intent Instructions
Audition Application
All Color Guard members will attend all summer camps, regular rehearsals, performances and parades. New members will be required to attend a weekend clinic during the summer to learn pre-game routines. As members of the band, the Color Guard will perform at all marching band functions unless determined otherwise by the Director of Bands and Color Guard Coordinator.
Monday (sectionals) 6pm-9:00pm
Tuesday (full band rehearsal) 3:30pm-5:20pm
Wednesday No Rehearsal
Thursday (full band rehearsal; sectionals) 3:30-5:20pm; 5:30-6:30pm
Friday (tentative rehearsal--performance weeks only) 3:30pm-5:20pm
Saturday (performance) Average call time ranges from 6-8 hours prior to kick-off; determined by Director of Bands.
Please plan your fall class schedule around this rehearsal schedule!
The K-State Marching Band will provide Color Guard primary performance uniforms.
Color Guard members must purchase: Secondary uniforms to include but not limited to:shoes, shorts, t-shirt, long-sleeved cold weather top, wind pants, wind jacket, winter jacket, short black socks, long black socks, hair accessories, performance makeup. (An order form will be sent out after auditions and additional items will be specified. First year member’s secondary uniform cost is approximately $350 based on last season.)
Social Media:
Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok @K-State Color Guard
Thank you for your interest in the Kansas State University Pride of Wildcat Land!
Questions? Need more information?
Contact Dr. Tracz at
or call the Band Office 785-532-3816