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Kansas State Bands

Kansas State Wind Ensemble

The K-State Wind Ensemble, directed by Dr. Frank Tracz, performs the finest original works and transcriptions for concert band and wind ensemble. As the premier concert ensemble at K-State, the Wind Ensemble regularly travels to perform at regional, state, national and international concert venues.

2024-2025 Concert Schedule 

October 9, 2024
Wind Ensemble Concert
McCain Auditorium
6:00pm Call/7:30pm Concert

Fanfare for the Forgotten - Raymond J Horvat

Four Scottish Dances - Malcolm Arnold

Epitaph XIV: Harvest of Sorrow (Ukraine) - Martin Ellerby

Heart on Fire - Viet Cuong

Declaration - Jim Stephenson.

November 20, 2024
Wind Ensemble
McCain Auditorium
6:00pm Call/7:30pm Concert

Symphony for Brass and Percussion - Alfred Reed

Variations on America - Charles Ives

Chorale in Blue - Jim Stephenson

Fantasia and Passage -  Marcus Grant 
     Dr. John Kilgore, soloist

Deciduous - Viet Cuong

Janurary 20, 2025
Wind Ensemble CBC Concert
McCain Auditorium
3:00 pm Call/4:00 pm Concert

Symphony for Brass and Percussion, mvt. 1 - Alfred Reed

Four Scottish Dances, mvt. 4 - Malcom Arnold

Variations on America - Charles Ives

Chorale in Blue - James Stephenson

Deciduous - Viet Cuong

Perplexing Times - Gordon Goodwin

February 28, 2025                                  Wind Ensemble KMEA Concert                Century II Concert Hall                            2:45pm Concert

Symphony for Brass and Percussion, mvt. 1 - Alfred Reed

Four Scottish Dances, mvt. 4 - Malcom Arnold

Variations on America - Charles Ives

Epitaph XIV - Martin Ellerby

Deciduous - Viet Cuong

March 5, 2025
Wind Ensemble & Wind Symphony Concert
McCain Auditorium
6:00pm Call/7:30pm Concert

Symphony for Brass and Percussion, mvt. 1 - Alfred Reed

Four Scottish Dances, mvt. 4 - Malcom Arnold

Variations on America - Charles Ives

Epitaph XIV - Martin Ellerby

Deciduous - Viet Cuong

April 27, 2025
Wind Ensemble/Wind Symphony/North Liberty High School Concert
McCain Auditorium
Call Time TBA/7:30pm Concert

Wildcat Run - James Stephenson

Austrailian Up-Country Tune/Shepherds Hey - Percy Grainger

Raise the Roof - Michael Daugherty                  Houston Fleischmann, soloist

Luminance - Shuying Li

In this Breath - Shuying Li                       Shuying Li, pianist            

TBA Wind Ensemble/North Liberty HS Combined Piece

2022 Spring Wind Ensemble Photos

2024 Outstanding Musician Award Winner

Side by Side Concerts

Participants have included:

Blue Valley Northwest High School, Adam Lundine and Melissa Askren
St. Charles East High School, Jim Kull
Rock Creek High School, Scott Bradley
Blue Valley Northwest High School, John Selzer
Blue Valley West High School, Daneil Kirk
Seaman High School, Cary Stahly
Salina South High School, Jared Rawlings
Manhattan Middle School, Scott Freeby
Manhattan High School, Rod Mangus
Maize High School, Jerry Stone
Buhler High School, Eric Stambaugh
St. Marys School, Warren Sikel
Highand Park High School, Luke Chaffee
Louisburg High School, John Cissitti
Riley County Schools, Joel Nagley
Marion High School, Mike Connell
Junction City High School, T.J. Taylor
Cowley College, Gary Gackstetter
Lansing High School, Luke Johnson (with Symphony Band) 
Smokey Valley High School, Shawn Knopp (with Concert Band) 
Manhattan Catholic Schools, Kim Thomas (with Symphony Band) 
McPherson High School, Kyle Hopkins (with Concert Band) 
Goessel High School, Mike Connell, director (with Symphony Band) 
Arkansas City High School, Chris VanGilder, director (with Concert Band) 
Goddard High School Marla Webber, director (with Symphony Band)
Clay Center High School, Matt Bradford (with Concert Band)
Rock Creek High School, Scott Bradley (with Concert Band)
Washburn-Rural High School, Luke Chaffe (with Wind Ensemble)
Haven High School (with Wind Ensemble

Natalie Alton