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Kansas State Bands

Jon Wefald

Wefald TraczThere are people that come into our lives that lead, inspire, motivate, and change us. Jon Wefald was a President of a great University that did this better than anyone ever has, and probably ever will. He came to this University in a time when our future was certainly in question and in disarray. He quickly assembled what some call the finest “team” of leaders to take this University into the future. He hit the ground running, never looked back, and worked harder and smarter than anyone - and he expected those around him to do the same. If it was not for this man’s resilience, determination, and vision, many believe we would be a smaller division II school playing sports in a second-tier conference with a very different future.

Jon Wefald hired me after a 2-hour interview in his Anderson Hall conference room filled with 20+ leaders from across campus and beyond. He was known to do his homework and make the right decision in a timely manner. He supported his team in every possible way, provided the needed resources and guidance, and got out of the way. He also expected results. He led with compassion, trust, integrity, and grit. He was there in the victories and good times, and in defeat and darkness. He always led with results in mind. I knew immediately that this was a President and team of leaders that I wanted to work for.

Jon Wefald was the man responsible for so many things that built this band program. He moved us to Memorial Field for practices my first week here in June of 1993. He supplied us with funds to replace aging uniforms, bought us the “all silver” instrument look, gave us a secretary, five graduate students, an assistant director, recruiting funds, and numerous gifts that enabled us to grow, prosper, and move the band program in to the BIG XII and compete with great bands. He trusted me, the staff, and our plan to build a nationally recognized program. The Sudler Trophy began with Jon Wefald.

Wefald Anderson HallWe would stop the band at Anderson Hall during camp week and play for him - he always came out to thank the band. And usually, I received a note from him that day with a check to “do something for the students of the PRIDE”. He would call on Monday mornings after a weekend of football to tell me what he liked about the band - and what he didn’t like! I listened!

He and Ruth Ann were the most ardent supporters of K-State and the band program. His twenty-three-year tenure at K-State as President is unheard of in this “move to greener grass/bigger paycheck” era we have lived in. He loved this University and everything about it. It was his school, his band, his legacy. He will always be my President.

To Ruth Ann and the family, our heartfelt condolences to you all. To Jon, thank you for what you did, what you meant to us, and who you were. We are all better because of you. 

Everyone talks of the K-State way and mystique that we all enjoy today, but no one can ever explain it. It starts with the Wefalds.

Godspeed my friend, we love you, Go Cats, Go Band.
Thank you.
Frank Tracz