Lizards of the Konza Prairie

Life history information and range maps from: Collins, J. T., S. L. Collins, and T. W. Taggart, 2010. Amphibians, Reptiles and Turtles in Kansas, 3rd Edition, revised. University of Kansas, Eagle Mountain publishing, Eagle Mountain, Utah.

Click below for more information - colored counties of range map are those in which the species has been reported.

Family Crotaphytidae
Collared & leopard lizards

collared Eastern collared lizard

Family Phrynosomatidae
Sand & spiny lizards

horned Texas horned lizard

Family Teiidae
Racerunners & whiptails

racerunner Prairie racerunner

Family Anguidae
Glass lizards

glass Slender glass lizard

Family Scincidae

gpskink Great Plains skink
npskink Northern Prairie skink
ground Ground skink