November 6, 2013
The group got together for a farewell lunch with Debabani. We greatly
appreciate the six productive years that Debabani has dedicated to our
research projects and congratulate her on the many accomplishments
that she has achieved with us.
Later that night around 3AM, as Debabani and her husband were
finishing up packing, Debabani heard from India UGC-Faculty Exchange
Programme that she has been offered an Assistant Professor position!
She will be able to select from a long list of universities for her
placement, including two in her home town, Kolkata! Our warmest
congratulations to Debabani!
October 30, 2013
Congratulations to Debabani for winning a prestigious Senior Research
Associateship from India. The fellowship will allow Debabani to
remain semi-independent while competing for a permanent faculty
October 20, 2013
We discovered during a group party that Alex and Michael are both talented singers.
(Alex and Michael singing "Yesterday Once More" with Allen and Debabani looking on)
October 1, 2013
Congratulations to Alex for receiving early admission to KU Medical
School! While we believe that scientists are more "noble" than
doctors and that purple wildcat is more elegant than blue jayhawk,
we are very happy that he is now one step closer to his dream!
August 31, 2013
Alex is a proud member of the University Marching Band this year. His
hard work is helping our beloved Wildcats win games week in, week
June 5-6, 2013
For four years in a row, our lab contributes
the Girls Researching Our
World (GROW) Summer Workshop. This year, Alex, Debabani and Weihong
taught "How proteins fold" to dozens of girls in the 6th-8th grades
in two sessions.
June 1, 2013
We welcome Michael Mohan as an NSF-funded Summer Undergraduate
Researcher! Michael will attempt a complete transformation into a
computational biophysicist in 10 weeks.
April 16, 2013
Congratulations to Weihong for having his first methodology paper on
replica exchange sampling accepted by
Mar 28, 2013
Congratulations to Weihong for receiving a competitive Summer Research
Fellowship from the Johnson Cancer Center again this year!
Feb 21, 2013
Our collaborative project on developing software infrastructure for
advanced analyses of structural data will be funded by NSF. The
total budget of the project is $1.1M from NSF and about £1.3M from
UK EPSRC. Project website:
Feb 11, 2013
Jianhan was elected together with Ben Schuler as co-Chairs of
the 2014
Biophysical Society IDP Subgroup Symposium to be held in San
Fransico in Feb 2014.
Dec 28, 2012
Congratulations to Chester for getting his master research titled
Conformational Heterogeneity of p53 bound to S100B(betabeta)"
accepted for publication in Journal of Molecular Biology.
Oct 20, 2012
We welcome Alex Beugelsdijk to the group. Alex graduated with a
B.Sc. in civil and environmental engineering from UIUC and is currently a
first-year master student.
May 1, 2012
Debabani's work on how long-range electrostatics might facilitate
coupled binding and folding of IDPs was accepted by
JMB. This is
a collaborative work with
Kriwacki's group at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
April 28, 2012
Jianhan's invited review titled
the physical basis of how intrinsic disorder mediates protein
function" was accepted by Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
April 19, 2012
Congratulations to Chester for successfully defending his Master
thesis, which is titled "Potential Conformational Heterogeneity of the p53/S100B
complex". Chester will join Dr. Richt's lab in the College of Veterinary Medicine
to pursue his long-time dream of a career in animal disease research.
March 30, 2012
Congratulations to Weihong for receiving a competitive Graduate Student Summer
Stipend Award from the Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research.
March 30, 2012
Congratulations to Weihong and Debabani for receiving travel awards
from the Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research.
Jan 23, 2012
Jianhan's tenure application was officially approved. He will be
promoted to Associate Professor starting from July 1st, 2012. He
claimed that he would now consider picking up new hobbies, even
though there is no physical evidence of that happening yet.
Nov 30, 2011
Congratulations to Weihong and Debabani for getting their paper on atomistic
simulation of NCBD/ACTR accepted by
Computational Biology!
Nov 15, 2011
Congratulations to Debabani and Weihong for making the front cover of 2012 IDP themed
issue of Mol. BioSyst.
July 25, 2011
Jian's paper on modeling of a synthetic channel-forming peptide (1130) has
just been accepted by
- Biomembranes. Congratulations!
July 17, 2011
We received a $700,000 NSF MRI to expand our shared
June 30, 2011
After some delay, our paper on the Notch NRR activation has been
finally accepted, to
ONE. This paper resulted from a
collaborative project with Dr. Zolkiewska. It is also a curious
example where genuine predictions from simple molecular modeling
proved to be correct, based on independent experimental studies
published while the paper was still under review.
June 03, 2011
Congratulations to Weihong for passing his PhD Preliminary Exam! Also congratulations
to Weihong for getting his first paper accepted by Molecular Biosystems (even though
only as a second author)! Keep up the good work!
April 16, 2011
K-State Open House! We made tofu, extracted DNA from strawberry, displayed Manducas,
presented the ongoing research programs, and showcased how much fun biochemistry is!
Check out more photos here.
April 15, 2011
Jianhan received the
HP Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in Computational Chemistry from
the American Chemical Society. The Award will be presented in the ACS Fall
National Meeting in Denver.
April 1, 2011
This is no April Fools Joke. Our proposal for a session on intrinsically disordered proteins
has been accepted by the organizers of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB).
The meeting will take place in Jan 3-7, 2012 in the Big Island of Hawaii. A Call for Papers
and Posters can be found at:
March 4-9, 2011
The group attended the Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in
Baltimore. Weihong, Debabani and Jian presented their works on
replica exchange sampling, synergistic folding of IDPs and synthetic
ion channels, respectively. They all received Travel Awards from the
Johnson Cancer
Center for attending this exciting conference.
Feb 27, 2011
Our paper on structural adaptability of the linker helix of p21 was
just published on Nature Chemical Biology! This is a joint
work with the Kriwacki lab in St Jude Children's Research Hospital.