Research Experiences for Undergraduates

2025 Cycle

Kansas State Department of Chemistry REU Program in Biosecurity and Chemistry



REU Cohort 2022

The K-State Chemistry Department is providing the opportunity for 12 undergraduates (9 NSF-REU supported and 3 K-State Chemistry supported students) to perform cutting edge research for 10 weeks during the summer (June 2 – August 8, 2025 - anticipated dates). This research is funded by the National Science Foundations Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (NSF-REU). and the Department of Chemistry.

Domestics Students: Students from all across the U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories [who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents] are eligible to apply for the 9 NSF-REU support slots.

International Students: The department of chemistry will provide matching funding for three additional international students to join our summer REU program.

Applications are especially encouraged from students from institutions that do not have strong research programs. Community college students are also highly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in chemistry, or a related field, with at least one year (preferably two) of chemistry course work.

Program Description

During your stay at K-State you will spend 10 weeks doing cutting edge research under the supervision and mentoring by one of the faculty members in the department. In addition you will learn how to use advanced chemical analysis instrumentation, how to write a short scientific paper, how to present your work at a scientific meeting, learn about the importance of ethics in science and about the nature of scientific inquiry. In addition there will be time for fun trips, bowling, ice cream and pizza parties with other students interested in science.

Project Descriptions

Our department, rather than being organized into the traditional four areas of chemical research (analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical) is categorized by six research themes. Please click HERE to learn more about these areas and our faculty.

Financial Support/Program Benefits

  • A $7,000 stipend is given to each participating student
  • Travel allowance (to and from K-State and possible funds to attend regional or national scientific meetings to present your work)
  • Housing and meals plan fully covered by the plan

To Apply

Your complete application should consist of: 1) the completed online application form, 2) your transcript, and 3) letters of recommendation from 2 individuals.

Please send your transcripts and letters of recommendation to:

Screening of applications will begin on February 14, 2025 and will continue until the 12 spots have been filled. We anticipate letting all applicants know the status of their applications by the end of March.

Please contact either Professors Ryan J. Rafferty or Tendai Gadzikwa directly (click on the name for a redirect) if you have any questions or need more information.

Kansas State University
Department of Chemistry
1212 Mid-Campus Dr.
213 CBC Building
Manhattan KS 66506-0401
REU Cohort 2021