
On this Surveys page, you'll find information about approved university-wide surveys. These surveys are crucial for gathering feedback, assessing campus climate, and enhancing our programs and services.

Approved University-Wide Surveys

Our repository lists surveys endorsed by various university departments and offices.

Survey Name Managing Office Target Population/Sample Frequency of Distribution
Alumni Survey Assessment, DAIR New graduates Fall/spring semester
Campus Climate Survey TBD All students and employees Every 3 to 4 years
Employee Exit Surveys HR Employees Ongoing
Graduation Senior Surveys Assessment, DAIR Graduating seniors Fall/spring semesters
GTA Communications Survey Assessment, DAIR Students of new GTAs Fall/spring semesters
Internship and Advising Survey DASSA

All undergraduate students

Fall semester
K-State Post-Graduate Survey Career Center, DASSA New graduates Annual
Survey of Library Services (LibQual) Library All students and employees Every 3 to 4 years

*The table provides an overview of each survey, including the managing office, target population/sample, and distribution frequency.

Assessment Surveys

Beginning in 2014, direct measures from programs and indirect measures from surveys were combined into unified reports to summarize student achievement for institutional student learning outcomes.


Wildcat Internship Survey

Internships are growing in their importance as a high-impact educational practice for college students and as an activity that promotes career readiness. Although the need for internship outcome data is cited in multiple K-State 2025 plans, there has been no central assessment process at Kansas State University to document when, where and with whom students are completing credit-bearing and co-curricular internships. The Wildcat Internships (WINS) survey begins to address the need for data about student internships. For more information on the WINS survey, read the internship survey background and summary.

View Wildcat Internship Survey

Internship and Advising Survey

The Advising Survey was initially created to provide a report to the Kansas Board of Regents on the quality of advising at K-State, as well as provide individual advisors with feedback on their performance. The Office of Student Life administered the survey through KSIS prior to 2017.

In the spring of 2017, the University Advising Committee expressed interest in improving the survey to provide higher quality feedback to advisors for their continued development. The group suggested a number of improvements, and working with the Office of Data, Assessment, and Institutional Research (DAIR), will be implementing those improvements in the Fall 2017 administration of the survey. DAIR will also be responsible for the administration of the survey.

In Fall 2020, the Career Center's Wildcat Internship Survey and Advising Survey were combined to simplify the process for students.

Administrative Review Surveys

The K-State Office of Data, Assessment, and Institutional Research (DAIR) administers and generates reports for Five-Year Comprehensive Administrative Reviews as outlined in section C159 of the University Handbook.

View University Handbook

In collaboration with the Office of the Provost and each individual's evaluation committee, DAIR develops and administers the surveys used in these reviews and compiles the results.

The Office of the Provost administers evaluations for Academic Deans. DAIR administers evaluations for Associate/Assistant Deans, Department Heads, and other administrative employees (Directors, Extension Administrators).

View Office of the Provost