Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott. Edited with an Introduction with Anne K. Phillips. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2016.
Critical Insights: Little Women. Edited with an Introduction with Anne K. Phillips. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2015.
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott. Norton Critical Edition. Edited with Anne K. Phillips. New York: Norton, 2004.
Emma Lazarus: Selected Poems and Other Writings. Edited with an Introduction. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2002.
Adah Isaacs Menken: Infelicia and Other Writings. Edited with an Introduction. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2002.
The Louisa May Alcott Encyclopedia. Edited with Anne K. Phillips. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
Literature and Humanitarian Reform in the Civil War Era. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996.
Journal, Special Issue
“The Newness of Little Women,” special issue on Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. Edited with an Introduction with Anne K. Phillips. Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 48.4 (June 2019): 361-473.
“Alcott’s Little Women and the U.S. Presidency.” Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. What the Presidents Read. Ed. Marilynn Olson and Elizabeth Goodenough. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2025. 469-473, 492-93.
“On Being Glad: Pollyanna and Stoic Thought.” Co-authored with LuElla D'Amico. Beyond Nancy Drew: U.S. Girls’ Series Fiction in the Twentieth Century. Edited by LuElla D'Amico and Emily Hamilton-Honey. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2024. 117-132.
“Powercat Financial to Financial Well-Being: Cross-Campus Collaborations to Improve Student Financial Well-Being.” Co-authored with Jodi Kaus and R.J. Youngblood. Financial Advising as a Tool for Student Success and Educational Equity. Ed. J.D. Johnson and J.A. Seabold. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina and National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 2023. 6-11.
“Living Learning Communities for First-Year First-Generation Students.” Co-authored with Kiley Moody, Tamara Bauer, Kevin Cook, and Rebeca Paz. Developing and Implementing Promising Practices and Programs for First-Generation College Students. Ed. Charmaine Troy, Karen Jackson, Ben Pearce, and Diana Rowe. New York: Routledge, 2023. 145-163.
“Louisa May Alcott, Major Author: Little Women and Beyond.” Little Women at 150. Ed. Daniel Shealy. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2022. 180-203.
Foreword. Imperfect Heroes: Teaching in Challenging Times to Motivate Student Achievement, by Andy Barkley. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2022. ix-xi.
“Invincible Nina: Louisa May Alcott and the Depression-Era Feminism of Invincible Louisa (1934).” Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. Dust Off the Gold Medal: Rediscovering Children’s Literature at the Newbery Centennial. Ed. Sara L. Schwebel and Jocelyn Van Tuyl. New York: Routledge, 2022. 67-82.
“Amy’s Dark Night.” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 36.1 (2019): 111-112.
“The Newness of Little Women.” Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 48.4 (June 2019): 363-65.
“Designing, Implementing, and Sustaining Faculty Development: A Model for Large and Diverse FYE Programs.” Co-authored with Donald A. Saucier and Carmen E. Macharaschwili. Journal of Faculty Development 33.2 (May 2019): 43-48.
“Literature” [Chapter 6]. A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Age of Romanticism, Revolution and Empire. Ed. Susan Matt. Vol. 5 of A Cultural History of the Emotions. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. 121-36.
“Ethics and Emotion in William James’s The Principles of Psychology.” William James, Moral Philosophy, and the Ethical Life. Ed. Jacob L. Goodson. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. 21-33.
“Exploring Students’ Experiences in First-Year Learning Communities from a Situated Learning Perspective.” Co-authored with Kerry Priest and Donald A. Saucier. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 28.3 (2016): 361-371.
“On Louisa May Alcott: Questions on her Significance, Singularity, Sorority, and Staying Power.” Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott. Ed. Gregory Eiselein and Anne K. Phillips. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2016. 3-17.
“Louisa May Alcott, Patti Smith, and Punk Aesthetics.” Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott. Ed. Gregory Eiselein and Anne K. Phillips. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2016. 221-36.
"On Little Women: The Unexpected and Enduring Significance Louisa May Alcott’s Most Famous Novel." Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. Critical Insights: Little Women. Ed. Gregory Eiselein and Anne K. Phillips. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2015. 3-18.
"'A Religion of Their Own': Louisa May Alcott's New American Religion." Nineteenth-Century American Women Write Religion: Lived Theologies and Literature. Ed. Mary McCartin Wearn. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2014. 119-134.
"Theorizing Uncertainty: Charles Darwin and William James on Emotion." America's Darwin: Darwinian Theory in U.S. Culture, 1859-present. Ed. Tina Gianquitto and Lydia Fisher. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2014. 19-39.
"The Varieties of Adolescent Experience: Coming of Age in Alcott's Little Women." Co-authored with Anne K. Phillips. Critical Insights: Coming of Age. Ed. Kent Baxter. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. 149-166.
"Emma Lazarus and Jewish Poetry." Options for Teaching Nineteenth-Century American Poetry. Ed. Paula Bernat Bennett and Karen L. Kilcup. New York: Modern Language Association, 2007. 151-160.
"Modernity and Louisa May Alcott's Jo's Boys." Children's Literature 34 (2006): 83-108.
"Whitman's Life and Work, 1819-92." A Companion to Walt Whitman. Ed. Donald D. Kummings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. 11-26.
“Reform.” American History through Literature, 1820-70. Ed. Janet Gabler-Hover and Robert Sattelmeyer. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006. 957-65.
"Contradiction in Louisa May Alcott's Little Men." The New England Quarterly 78 (2005): 3-25.
"Plagiarism, Passing, and Performance: Adah Isaacs Menken's Jewish Poetry." Fakes and Forgeries. Ed. Peter Knight and Jonathan Long. Amersham, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2004. 165-76, 216-19.
"Emotion and the Jewish Historical Poems of Emma Lazarus." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 37 (2004): 33-48.
"Amos Bronson Alcott." Writers of the American Renaissance: An A-Z Guide. Ed. Denise D. Knight. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 2003. 1-6.
Introduction. The Sketches of Louisa May Alcott. New York: Ironweed Press, 2001. 9-19.
"Sentimental Discourse and the Bisexual Erotics of Work." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 41 (1999): 203-35.
"American Self-Fashioning and the Problems of Autobiography." Teaching the Literatures of Early America. Ed. Carla Mulford. New York: Modern Language Association, 1999. 229-242.
"Louisa May Alcott." Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Denise D. Knight. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. 1-10.
"Humanitarianism and Uncertainty in Arthur Mervyn." Essays in Literature 22 (1995): 215-26.
"Whitman and the Humanitarian Possibilities of Lilacs." Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies 18 (1993): 51-79.
"Jefferson in the Thirties: Pound's Use of Historical Documents in Eleven New Cantos." Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, Philosophy of History 19 (1989): 31-40.
Rev. of Hannah Whitman Heyde: The Complete Correspondence, edited by Maire Mullins. Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 40.1-2 (2023): 84-87.
Rev. of Sacramental Shopping: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism, by Sarah Way Sherman. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 32 (2015): 323-25.
Rev. of Little Women: An Annotated Edition, ed. Daniel Shealy; Marmee and Louisa: The Untold Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Mother, by Eve LaPlante; My Heart is Boundless: Writings of Abigail May Alcott, Louisa's Mother, ed. Eve LaPlante. Children's Literature 42 (2014): 279-86.
Rev. of Fruitlands: The Alcott Family and Their Search for Utopia, by Richard Francis. American Nineteenth Century History 14 (2013): 241-43.
Rev. of Walt Whitman and the Civil War: America's Poet during the Lost Years of 1860-1862, by Ted Genoways. Resources for American Literary Study 34 (2011): 263-65.
Rev. of Eden's Outcasts: The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father, by John Matteson. The New England Quarterly 81 (2008): 536-38.
Rev. of Leaves of Grass: The Sesquicentennial Essays, ed. Susan Belasco, Ed Folsom, and Kenneth M. Price. Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 26 (2008): 110-113.
Rev. of Emma Lazarus, by Esther Schor. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 26.3 (2008): 196-98.
Rev. of Our Sisters' Keepers: Nineteenth-Century Benevolence Literature by American Women, ed. by Jill Bergman and Debra Bernardi. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers23 (2006): 204-05.
Rev. of Rehabilitating Bodies: Health, History, and the American Civil War, by Lisa A. Long. Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 34 (2005): 497-502.
Rev. of Poets in the Public Sphere: The Emancipatory Project of American Women's Poetry, 1800-1900, by Paula Bernat Bennett. American Periodicals 14 (2004): 276-78.
Rev. of Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken and the Birth of American Celebrity, by Renée Sentilles. Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 21 (2004): 247-49.
Rev. of Emotion and Social Theory: Corporeal Reflections on the (Ir)Rational, by Simon J. Williams. European Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (2004): 269-71.
Rev. of Selected Letters of Mary Antin, ed. Evelyn Salz. Yiddish 13 (2004): 119-121.
"Cheap Teaching at High Prices: Jerome Klinkowitz’s Literature Pedagogy." Rev. of You've Got to Be Carefully Taught: Learning and Relearning Literature, by Jerome Klinkowitz. Pedagogy 3 (2003): 135-40.
"Society as Communication, Art as Communication, and the Paradoxes of Autonomous Systems." Rev. of Art as a Social System, by Niklas Luhmann. The Review of Communication 2 (2002): 39-43.
"Histories of the New." Rev. of Turning the Century: Essays in Media and Cultural Studies, ed. Carol A. Stabile. Cultural Studies 16 (2002): 323-24.
"Reading a Feminist Romance: Literary Critics and Little Women." Rev. of Little Women: A Family Romance, by Elizabeth Lennox Keyser, and Little Women and the Feminist Imagination: Criticism, Controversy, Personal Essays, ed. Janice M. Alberghene and Beverly Lyon Clark. Children's Literature 28 (2000): 238-44.
Rev. of Whitman, Slavery, and the Emergence of Leaves of Grass, by Martin Klammer. American Studies 40.1 (1999): 139-40.
Rev. of RePresenting Bisexualities: Subjects and Cultures of Fluid Desire, ed. Donald E. Hall and Maria Pramaggiore. Journal of Homosexuality 37 (1999): 164-67.
"Romantic Whitman." Rev. of Whitman and the Romance of Medicine, byRobert Leigh Davis, and Walt Whitman: A Gay Life, by Gary Schmidgall. American Quarterly 50 (1998): 670-78.
Rev. of The Politics of Distinction: Whitman and the Discourses of Nineteenth-Century America, by Christopher Beach. American Studies 39.1 (1998): 152-53.
"Anti-Enlightenment Voices." Rev. of Voicing America: Language, Literary Form, and the Origins of the United States, by Christopher Looby. Novel: A Forum on Fiction 30 (1997): 412-14.
Rev. of Breaking Bounds: Whitman and American Cultural Studies, ed. Betsy Erkkila and Jay Grossman. Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 13.3 (1996): 162-66.
Rev. of Black Sun: Depression and Melancholy, by Julia Kristeva. Iowa Journal of Literary Studies 11 (1991): 137-39.
Reference Work
Four entries for The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature Henry Highland Garnet, John Mercer Langston, William C. Nell, and David Walker]. Ed. William L. Andrews, Trudier Harris, and Frances Smith Foster. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Nine Entries for The Louisa May Alcott Encyclopedia [Lydia Maria Child, Henry James, Rhoda Ashley Joy Lawrence, Little Women, Lovering Family, Phrenology, Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt, Frederick Alcott Pratt and John Sewall Pratt, John Bridge Pratt]. Edited Gregory Eiselein and Anne K. Phillips. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
Five Entries for Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia [Leaves of Grass (1860 edition), Drum-Taps (book, 1865), “Chanting the Square Deific,” “O Captain! My Captain!,” and Lincoln’s Death]. Ed. J. R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings. New York: Garland Publishing, 1998.
Five Entries for The Oxford Companion to African American Literature [Henry Highland Garnet, John Mercer Langston, John R. Lynch, William C. Nell, and David Walker]. Ed. William L. Andrews, Trudier Harris, and Frances Smith Foster. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Teaching and Learning: Online Books and Course
Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning. Featured faculty member in online video course. Association of College and University Educators, 2021.
Studying the Bible: The Tanakh and Early Christian Writings. Co-authored with Anna Goins and Naomi J. Wood. Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press, 2019.
The K-State First Guide to College Student Success: The Essentials for First-Year Students at Kansas State University. Co-authored with Tara Coleman, Kylie Kinley, Emily Lehning, Mandi McKinley, Mariya Vaughan, Brent Weaver, and R.J. Youngblood. 4th ed. Manhattan, KS: New Prairie Press, 2017. [Previous editions: 1st-3rd ed. (2014-2016).]
Course in Effective Teaching Practices. Featured faculty member in online video course. Association of College and University Educators, 2016.
Public/Digital Humanities Projects
“Chapter 19: Amy’s Will with Gregory Eiselein and Anne Phillip.” Jo’s Boys: A Little Women Podcast, Peyton Thomas, host, 18 Nov. 2022.
The Alcott Archive, 2021.
Little Women 150: Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women: A 150th Anniversary Celebration, co-authored and co-edited with Anne K. Phillips, 2018-19.
Publication Listings: Research Databases