PRIVACY: Conference Program |
Registration table will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thurs., 10:00 11:15 a.m.
Sex, Scandal, and Epistemology
Union 207. Moderator: Robert Clark, Kansas State University.
- “Secret and Rumor: Sexual and Political Epistemologies in Northern Ireland,” Katie Conrad, University of Kansas.
- “Scandal: Sexual and Political Epistemologies in Northern Ireland,” Margot Backus, University of Houston.
- “Fine Upstanding Men: The Secret of Sexual Harassment,” Donna Potts, Kansas State University.
Thurs., 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m.
Birth, Childhood, and Death
Union 207. Moderator: Roger Adams, Kansas State University.
- [title forthcoming], Kimberly Miller, Fort Hays State University.
- "A Room of One's Own: Children's Rooms as Reflected in Children's Books," Jennifer Marchant, Middle Tennessee State University.
- “To Die, To Speak, and More: Private-Public Intertwinings in Burial Discourse,” Sorina Chiper and Paul Bick, University of Illinois, Chicago.
Thurs., 12:45 2:15 p.m.
Thurs., 2:15 3:30 p.m.
The Closet and Beyond
Union 207. Moderator: Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State University.
- “Without a Net: Dorian Gray’s Open Secret,” Jacquelyn Hedden, University of Houston.
- "Michael Miksche's Sailors Kissing and the Secrets of the Closet," Elizabeth Lee, Wabash University.
- "Closeted Identities: The Role of the Closet in Ruthann Robson's a/k/a," Erin Erhart, Kansas State University.
Thurs., 3:45 5:00 p.m.
Emotion and the Postconfessional
Union 207. Moderator: Elizabeth Dodd, Kansas State University.
- “A ‘Sickness of the Soul’: The Lyrical Expression of Shame in Susan Hahn’s Poetry,” Jill Clingan, Kansas State University.
- “The Smuggling of Emotions: The Role of Shame and Self-Pity in the Poetry of Susan Hahn,” Matthew Lexow, Kansas State University.
Thurs., 5:00 8:00 p.m.
Conference Dinner, Alumni Center Ballroom.
Thurs., 8:00 9:30 p.m.
Patricia Traxler Poetry Reading, Tatman Board Room, Alumni Center.
Thurs., 9:30 10:00 p.m.
book signing
Fri., 8:45 10:30 a.m.
A) Surveillance
Union 206. Moderator: Lyman Baker, Kansas State University.
- "The Transparent World and Its Dangers," Eunice Myers, Wichita State University.
- "Beneficial Surveillance: Panopticism in the Composition Class and the Struggle for a Solution," Jason Saphara, Colorado State University, Pueblo.
- "'Total Information Awareness' as a Slogan for the Left: Towards an Open Source World," Andrew Schroeder, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
B) The Cultural Dimensions of the Classic Confessional Poets
Union 207. Moderator: Bonnie Nelson, Kansas State University.
- “Confessionalism Externalized: The Tethering of Private and Public Voices in the Poetry of Robert Lowell," Steve Gehrke, Missouri Review.
- “These Are Not Her Confessions: Anne Sexton's use of the Dramatic Monologue in ‘The Farmer's Wife’ and ‘The Abortion,’” Lisa Ripley, Murray State University.
- “Metaphors of Nature and Culture in Sylvia Plath's Bee Poems,” Lisa Narbeshuber, Acadia University.
Fri., 10:45 11: 45 a.m.
A) Secret Lives of Conservatives
Union 206. Moderator: Karin Westman, Kansas State University.
- "The Passion and the Profit: Evangelical Christianity and Media Space in Amish Country," Jennifer Fleeger, University of Iowa.
- "Calls for Papers and Right Wing Surveillance of Academe, or ' The Secret Lives of Conservatives,'" Don Hedrick, Kansas State University.
B) Poetry of Dispossession
Union 207. Moderator: Robin Mosher, Kansas State University.
- “John Berryman: Confessions of Culture,” Shanna Perkins, Yale University.
- "A Separate, Private Person: Joseph Brodsky, Human Autonomy, Resistance to Confession and the American Audience," Stephanie Fischetti, University of South Florida, Tampa.
Fri., 11:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Fri., 1:00 2:15 p.m.
A) Pedagogy
Union 206. Moderator: Julie Brogno, Kansas State University.
- "RateMyProfessor.Com? A Brief Cultural History of Teacher Evaluations," Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State University.
- "Coming out in the Center: Theorizing disclosure and surveillance when the public meets the private in teaching one-to-one," Harry Denny, SUNY Stonybrook, and Michele Eudice, University of Kansas.
- “'Camping' Confession: Authenticity and Fiction in Written Personal Disclosure,” Suzanne Diamond, Youngstown State University.
B) Rethinking Warren and Brandeis's "The Right to Privacy."
Union 207. Moderator: Don Hedrick, Kansas State University.
- "The Right to Privacy: Henry James and the 'Strange Logic' of Celebrity," Stacy Margolis, University of Utah.
- "Imperiled Privacy: Whiteness, Publicity, and the 'Right to Be Let Alone,'" Katherine Adams, University of Tulsa.
- "The Right to Privacy and the Logic of Secrecy," Matthew Potolsky, University of Utah.
Fri., 2:30 3:45 p.m.
A) Egocasting
Union 206. Moderator: Mike Wesch, Kansas State University.
- “Merchandising Privacy,” Isabel Metello, New University of Lisbon.
- “Commodity Fetishism and the iPod: Egocasting Consumers as Producers,” John Figura, George Washington University.
B) Sex, Servants, and Masculinity: Private Acts in 19th Century Literature
Union 207. Moderator: Jim Machor, Kansas State University.
- “Maintaining Privacy in a Household with Servants,” Dorice Elliott, University of Kansas.
- “Herman Melvilee's Pierre and the Trope of the Moral and Social Castaway,” Shawn Thomson, University of Kansas.
- "'Imbued with the Science of Venus': The Sexually Savvy Female in Victorian Pornography," Emily Wicktor, University of Kansas.
Fri., 4:00 5:15 p.m.
A) Trauma
Union 206. Moderator: Larry Rodgers, Kansas State University.
- “'Private' Trauma and 'Public' Coping in Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, Memory,” Mickayla Fink, Kansas State University.
- "Lift Me Up to the Window”: Trauma & Self-Recovery in Theresa Hak Kyung’s DICTEE,” Jennifer Cho, George Washington University.
- "Hers and His(trees): Rape Cover-Ups and Spectacle Lynching in Toni Morrison's Beloved,” Sandy Alexandre, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
B) Literature and Loss
Union 207. Moderator: Philip Nel, Kansas State University.
- "Searching for Sasha: Claude McKay and Black Modernism," Gary Holcomb, Emporia State University.
- “Private Lives and Public Documents: Anne Lister’s Diaries and Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley in the Age of Post-Secrecy,” Anne Longmuir, Kansas State University.
- “The Will to Confess and the Duality of Witnessing in La Fayette’s La Princesse de Clèves," Taylor Hammer, Emporia State University.
Fri., 5:15 8:00 p.m.
dinner break
Fri., 8:00 p.m.
George Chauncey Keynote Lecture, "Why Come Out of the Closet?"
Kedzie 106
Fri., 10:00 p.m.
Conference Reception at the home of Lisa Tatonetti.
Sat., 9:00 10:15 a.m.
Paraconfessional poetry
Union 207. Moderator: Donna Potts, Kansas State University.
- "Beyond the Confessional: Jonathan Holden…Honest Poetry, Honest Discovery," Greg German, Kansas State University.
- “The Post-Confessional Fable: Prose Poetry at Work in the Poetics of James Tate,” Monique van den Berg, St. Norbert College.
- “Private and Public: Adrienne Rich’s Paraconfessional Poetry,” Sally Sevcik, Rutgers University.
Sat., 10:30 11:45 a.m.
A) Public/Private Blurrings
Union 206. Moderator: Anne Longmuir, Kansas State University.
- “Privacy in the Age of Psychoanalysis,” Prabha Manuratne, Kansas State University.
- “Masking, Confinement and Privacy in Southworth’s The Hidden Hand,” Bradley Johnson, Doane College.
B) Privacy and Women’s Issues
Union 207. Moderator: Lisa Tatonetti, Kansas State University.
- "The Second Mystique: Foundational Feminist Texts and the Liberal Consensus in Post-war America," Sandra Cox, Kansas State University.
- "Members Only: The Quest for Privacy in London’s Alternative Club Scene," Lorrie Carano, University of Missouri, Kansas City.
- "The Politics of Interiority in The Pilot's Wife," Timothy Aubry, Baruch College.
Sat., 11:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Sat., 1:00 2:15 p.m.
Invasions of Privacy
Union 207. Moderator: Jennifer Adams, Kansas State University.
- “'Black Hats vs. White Hats': Reversing Hacker Tropes in Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon,” Barrett Bowlin, Kansas State Unviersity.
- "Inside Out: The Private Mind as Public Property in JK Rowling's Harry Potter," Karin Westman, Kansas State University.
- "Reactions to Invasions of Privacy (Perceived and Real): Punk versus Hip Hop," Matthew Raese, Kansas State University.
Sat., 2:30 3:45 p.m.
Private Lives; Public Writing
Union 207. Moderator: Irene Ward, Kansas State University.
- “Flat Denial: Samuel Johnson and Anonymous Authorship,” Gillian Prowse, Harvard University.
- “Twenty-one What Poems? Privacy, Biography, and the Anthologized Lesbian Author,” Jamie Mellen, Ball State University.
- "The Purple Crayon and the Red Scare: Harold, Crockett Johnson, and the FBI," Philip Nel, Kansas State University.
This page was last updated on
June 4, 2007
Other pages may have been updated more recently.
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