2015 Space Migration
The 2015 Space Migration project is a formal space planning initiative focused on the organization of space on campus that will aid the University in reaching its long range goals consistent with the K-State 2025 Visionary Plans and the 2025 Campus Master Plan. It is designed to optimize the unique opportunities on the Manhattan campus provided by the completion of multiple new building construction projects over the next few years.
The reallocation of the spaces being vacated due to the construction activity will be decided by our President through this proposal process. Buildings included in the 2015 Space Migration project are:
An annual formal space allocation process will be implemented at the conclusion of the 2015 Space Migration project.
Accepted Proposals
K-State eID and password required. If you're already signed in to K-State services, you won't be required to sign in again.
To promote transparency, all proposals will be made available on this website throughout the duration of the project.