Friday, February 28 - Saturday, March 1, 2025 | Manhattan Campus
Fraternity Experience Weekend (FEW) is designed for men to connect with IFC fraternities at K-State and learn about the community at large. The two-day event will allow attending students to kickstart their fraternity recruitment process by meeting fraternity chapter leadership, touring fraternity houses, getting questions answered, and aiding in the process of finding which organization is the best fit for them.
All participants will receive chapter information, GPA and community reports, financial information and more. Parents and family are welcome to attend the information session and tabling on Friday evening as well as a parent panel and Q&A if you would like to join. No housing opton will be offered to additional guests.
Event registration is $65 which includes the attendees meals, transportation, and all supplies needed. Attending students may also opt into on-campus housing for Friday, February 28th for an additional $45 fee. Students are not permited to stay in a fraternity house during Fraternity Experience Weekend. Students who do not opt into the on-campus housing option are expected to stay in a hotel or other local accomodation.
Registration prior to January 31st recieve $10 early bird discount.
Programming includes: Fraternity and Sorority Life Overview, Tabling and mingling with all fraternity chapter recruitment chairs and chapter leadership, Parent Info Meeting, Q&A, and touring 3-4 chapter houses.
Check-in for participants who opted in to housing can being checking in at Honors House starting at 5pm
General check-in will begin at 6pm on the second floor of the K-State Student Union.
Saturday, March 1st 9am-4:30pm
Programming includes: Breakfast, touring chapter houses, lunch, more tours of chapter houses, meeting with unhoused organizations, and more!
*Timelines are approximate. Specific schedules will be available to attendees prior to the event. Attendees are expected to attend the full experience from start to finish. Parents may attend for Friday evening Parent info meeting.
If you want an overview of what fraternities are like and why you may want to join, this event will allow you to meet men from across our community, learn about what their experience has been, and why they encourage others to join.
If you know that you're interested in joining a fraternity but don't know where to start, FEW will give you the big picture and a glimps into each organization. By meeting chapter leadership and touring facilities, you can create a strong base-line understanding of where to start and what fraternities you're most interested in.
If you're being recruited by one or more organizations already but want to learn more about the full community or what other options are available, you can do that a FEW while still persuing the fraternities you're already interested in.
The standard registration fee covers meals (Saturday breakfast and lunch) and snacks, transportation throughout the weekend, as well as all materials and supplies needed for the weekend.
By opting into on-campus housing, the additional cost covers your overnight stay in K-State's Jardine apartments with other event attendees and a trained and trusted recruitment volunteer. Apartments are outfitted with twin-XL beds, bring your own bedding, pillows, and toiletries.
If you would like housing provided,during registration, opt into the on-campus housing option. You will stay in the K-State Jardine apartments with other event attendees as well as trained and trusted recruitment volunteers.
If you would not like housing provided and/or you will have additional guests, you are responsible for booking your own housing accomodations at a local hotel. This may be the optimal choice for students whos parents/families are attending with them.
If you live near Manhattan, you may choose to commute for both Friday and Saturday's events.
Under no circumstances should an attendee be spending the night at a fraternity house. In any case, this is a completely dry weekend. No parties or drinking will be permited for event attendees.
Parents are not required to attend the event. Student attendees will gain knowledge regarding fraternity membership, cost, housing, and otherwise. They will also recieve an informational booklet about our 21 organizations which they can review with you. If you have questions about the overall fraternity experience, feel free to send us an email. Questions about fraternity chapter specifics should be directed to them individually.
This event is not a requirement to join a fraternity.
Submit a profile on our IFC Interest page which will share your information with all 21 of our IFC fraternities. Learn more about how you can get in contact with organizations as well.
Didn't find what you're looking for? If you have additional questions, call or email our office and we'd be happy to assist you.