This cross also illustrates a development in genetics that was essential for understanding the nature of the gene at the molecular level. This is a genetic test for allelism. It demonstrates that the two mutations ade1 and ade2 are not allelic in spite of having the same phenotype.
In this experiment you will use a set of
haploid strains to produce the second (F2 )
generation of a cross between two different
red mutants. This set of haploid strains
represents the eight different haploid
genotypes (spores or gametes) that are
expected in equal frequencies from a dihybrid
cross with independent assortment.
Geneticists get tired of writing the same symbols repeatedly and use a simple shorthand. The normal allele of a gene can often be represented by just a "+" without any confusion. That way the genotype ADE1 ADE2 is just + +, ADE1 ade2 is + ade2, etc. The table of genotypes and phenotypes of these strains becomes simply:
Genotype | Phenotype on: YED | MV |
+ + | cream-colored | grows |
ade1 + | red | doesn't grow |
+ ade2 | red | doesn't grow |
ade1 ade2 | red | doesn't grow |
Of course, we need to have each of these strains in both mating types, so that makes a total of eight strains.
The two different media, YED and MV, allow you to distinguish the mutant phenotype from the normal phenotype, but does not let you distinguish among the different mutant strains.
1st Day: 50 min. Make mating
grid and
haploid strains
2nd Day: 20 min. Make mating
3rd Day: 10 min. Replica plate
to MV
4th Day: 50 min. Record and analyze results
2. 2nd Day: Make crosses.
Using sterile toothpicks transfer and mix the haploid
strains in all possible combinations at the
intersections of the grid.
Remember to use a new toothpick for each different
strain and mixture.
Incubate the plate overnight.
3. 3rd Day: Use toothpicks or replica
plating equipment to replica plate the
YED plate onto MV.
Incubate the plate overnight.
4. 4th Day: Read the colors of the mixtures
from the YED plate and the growth
pattern from the MV plate.
Record your results in a table and then compare you
results with your predictions.
5. How did your results compare with your predictions?( Teacher Tips)
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Last updated Wednesday, 04-Dec-2002 14:58:28 CST