Newsletter Archives

April 2020 Newsletter April 2020 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Open Meetings in a Virtual Environment
  • Creative Collaborations, Independent Decisions: Antritrust Law in a Pandemic Response World
  • Hosting a Virtual Summer Camp for Children?

Sept 2019 newsletter pic September 2019 (pdf)

In this issue

  • "Man's Best Friend? A Review of the University's Policies Regarding Animals on Campus"
  • Resource Reminder - Office of General Counsel's Website

December 2018 (pdf)

In this issue

  • "It's a Deal" - How to Process University Contracts
  • Do You Know Your Rights Guaranteed by the First Amendment?
  • Resource Reminder - Office of Risk and Compliance

February 2018 Newsletter February 2018 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Export Controls
  • Interns and FLSA — updated guidance from U.S. Department of Labor

November 2017 NewsletterNovember 2017 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Traveling Abroad and Gifts: the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Kansas Governmental Ethics Act
  • Student Trip Guidelines Updated
  • Dear Atty — Title IX

September 2017 NewsletterSeptember 2017 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Anti-discrimination

March 2017 NewsletterMarch 2017 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Records retention
  • Dear Atty — nepotism rules

October 2016 NewsletterOctober 2016 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Free speech on campus
  • Election campaigns and other political activities

November 2015 NewsletterNovember 2015 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Internships, externships, and the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Resource reminders:
    • Office of Research and Sponsored Projects and
    • Copyright Consultation Service

August 2015 NewsletterAugust 2015 (pdf)

In this issue

  • “Fair use” of copyrighted works
  • Resource reminder: Office of Employee Relations
  • Dear Atty — writing student letters of recommendation

February 2015 NewsletterFebruary 2015 (pdf)

In this issue

  • 5 best practices for avoiding legal problems
  • Role of the Office of General Counsel
  • Consulting agreements
  • Processing University contracts

August 2014 NewsletterAugust 2014 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Documentation of employee performance and conduct
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • Case law updates:
    • Fisher v. University of Texas — race-conscious admissions
    • Lane v. Franks — government employee’s testimony is protected speech
  • Political campaign activity rules

May 2014 NewsletterMay 2014 (pdf)

In this issue

  • International contracts and activities
  • Honor and Integrity System
  • Resource Reminder: Kansas Board of Regents policy manual
  • Dear Atty — registered student organization events on campus

Feburary 2014 NewsletterFebruary 2014 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Liability for off-campus University-related activities
  • International trips
  • Students of concern
  • Dear Atty — relationship between the KSU Foundation and the University

November 2103 NewsletterNovember 2013 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Holiday decor, religion, and the First Amendment
  • Raffles as fundraisers
  • Ethics rules for state employees on gifts, meals, transportation, and entertainment
  • Dear Atty — communications with outside attorneys on University matters

September 2013 NewsletterSeptember 2013 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Fisher v. University of Texas — race-conscious admissions and other programs
  • Lawyer as a fiduciary
  • DOMA (“Defense of Marriage Act”) and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Windsor decision
  • Resource reminders:
    • Student Access Center
    • Copyright and fair use guidance at K-State Libraries

May 2014 NewsletterMay 2013 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Liability for employment-related activities
  • FERPA and student records
  • Parade permits — city requirements

November 2012 NewsletterNovember 2012 (pdf)

In this issue

  • Getting sued — minimizing litigation risks and exposure
  • Contracting with private, public and “zero” dollars
  • Handling requests for documents

August 2012 NewsletterAugust 2012 (pdf)

In this issue

  • About the Office of General Counsel
  • Crime reporting, campus security, and the Clery Act
  • Tips for completing I-9s