
wildcat icon
Planning and promoting activities and assessment for a one-day health break from instruction for students.

Lead: Chris Bowman, Director, Morrison Family Center for Student Well-being
food iconIntegrating food recovery into every university event so surplus food reaches those in need instead of going to waste.

Leads: Vicki James, Food and Farm Council; Adelaide Easter, SGA Needs Dir.
Stress and Resiliency in our Communities
chainlink iconPartnership between KSRE and HPU to reduce stigma surrounding mental health and equip Kansans with tools and techniques to enhance their resiliency.

Leads: Rebecca McFarland, Extension Director;
Rachael Clews, Extension Specialist; Alicia Boor, Ag and Natural Resources Specialist
Process and Policy Exploration
policy iconIdentifying opportunities to integrate health-promoting practices into existing university policies and to support the well-being of the entire campus community.

Leads: Michelle Toews, Assoc. Dean, Research and Scholarship; Amanda McDiffet, Assistant VP, HR Ops; Erin Good, General Counsel Sr Assoc.