Faculty Tips
Please promote integrity, address dishonesty, and become a vital link in helping students develop ethical reasoning. We believe the MAJOR reason to report Honor Pledge violations is to help students grow in the ability to reason through ethical dilemmas. We help students learn to take time when making decisions affecting not only the student, but the community.
Another reason to use Honor Pledge reports is to ensure that repeat Honor Pledge violators are caught. What may seem like a student's first time cheating might actually be a pattern in this student's academic life. A centralized database helps to ensure that pattern behaviors are detected and dealt with in a fair manner.
K-State faculty have TWO options when reporting Honor Pledge violations. Please refer to the Violation Report Form for additional information. Whichever option you use, please inform students about the Honor & Integrity System and its contact information.
Alleged Honor Pledge Violation Report document. Please complete this online submission capable of attaching scanned supporting information. Please call the office at 532-2595 or email us at honor@ksu.edu if you have any questions.
This is generic and is considered to be a statement of minimum requirements.
Written Warning
- The Faculty Reporter or the Honor Council may issue a written warning to the student. The warning shall include a description of the violation and the corrective action needed to prevent further violations.
Grade Sanction
- Assigned by Faculty Reporter or Honor Council. May include, but is not limited to, requiring a student to retake exam(s), rewrite a paper(s), a grade reduction, and a grade cap.
Development and Integrity Course as Sanction
- The Development and Integrity (DI) course is an educational sanction. It is sometimes assigned by Honor Council hearing panels when a student has been found in violation of the Honor Pledge. Some faculty also sanction the D&I course along with other sanctions such as a reduced grade on assignment/exam, a cap on grade in the course of violation, etc.
XF Policy
- If a K-State faculty member wishes to assign an XF for a course due to a student's alleged Honor Pledge violation, the faculty member makes the request of the Honor System Director and provides appropriate documentation for Honor System files.
Permanent XF:
- Only the honor council can assign a permanent XF for a course due to a student's alleged Honor Pledge violation. The honor council makes the recommendation to the Director and provides appropriate documentation for Honor System files. The XF will remain permanently on the academic record. The student will not be able to remove the X and will not be able to retake the course for a grade replacement.
Recommendation to the Provost to Temporarily Dismiss Student
- Only the honor council can recommend a temporary dimissal. Temporary separation of a student from the University. Temporarily dismissal will be for two academic semesters in conjunction with the University Handbook. The Honor and Integrity System Director will send the recommendation to the Provost who will make the final decision. If the recommendation is followed by the Provost, the student will be dismissed for two semesters and a permanent notation (dismissal due to academic integrity violation) will appear on the student’s transcript. After two semesters the student may apply for readmission to the university.
Recommendation to the Provost to Permanently Dismiss Student
- Only the honor council can recommend a permanent separation of a student from the University. The most severe sanction assigned by the Faculty Reporter or Honor Council. Honor and Integrity System Director will send a recommendation to the Provost who will make the final decision. If the recommendation is followed the student will be permanently separated from the university and a notation will appear on the student’s transcript.
Listing of Honor Pledge violations by year. Sometimes helpful to faculty for examples of sanctions given for violations.
Tips and ideas on how to confront students whom you believe have violated the K-State Honor Pledge.
This is generic information to be given to students and tutors as thoughts and leading questions to develop specific guidelines for individual tutors.
Information from Faculty Brown Bags:
Powerpoint from Brown Bag on Technological Impact on Academic Integrity
Powerpoint from Brown Bag on A New Definition of Plagiarism
Handout from Plagiarism Brown Bag
Handout from "When Academic Integrity is Grey"