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Human Resources


HealthQuest Rewards - Insurance Premium Discount Program

The Rewards Program is optional and employees are not required to participate in order to be covered under the State Employee Health Plan SEHP. There is no additional cost added to an employee's premium for not participating, but they will be paying the base rate (undiscounted rate) for their insurance coverage.

Important Deadlines

Premium Incentive Discount Earning Period:

  • January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021

HRA/HSA Contribution Earning Period:

  • January 1, 2021 - November 19, 2021

Physician Form:

  • HRA/HSA Deadline: 11/12/2021
  • 2021 premium reduction: 12/30/2021

Home Test Kit:

  • HRA/HSA deadline - 11/05/2021
  • 2021 premium reduction: 12/17/2021

Frequently Asked Questions

When signing up for the HealthQuest portal, my date of birth and member number don't match.

Employees and spouses are able to sign up for HealthQuest. When an employee signs up, when entering the employee ID, he or she must put "EE" at the end of the employee ID number. The spouse will put "SP" at the end. For example: an employee will register with W0000099999EE and the employee's spouse will register with W0000099999SP. If the system still does not recognize you, please call HealthQuest directly for assistance. HealthQuest contact information: 1-888-275-1205 or email HealthQuest Staff.

How will preventative exams work? I used to report these myself in the portal.

Preventative exams will be automatically reported from the employee's health insurance. The only information reported to HealthQuest will be the date of service and type of service. For example: Dentist appointment – 01.10.2018. Credits will be awarded as such.

How do I sign up for a Health Coach?

You may sign up for a health coach meeting either virtually or one-on-one in person. When in the HealthQuest portal, navigate to "Event Registration" at the top of the screen and choose "Health Coaching" as the event type.

How will selections be made for the Naturally Slim program?

Selections for the Naturally Slim program will be made based on the capacity of each group. If you are not selected for the first round of the program, there will be other opportunities throughout the year to participate in the Naturally Slim program.

Do the biometric screenings accept walk-in appointments?

Biometric screenings are currently available by appointment only. Please schedule an appointment by logging into your HealthQuest portal, choose "Step 2" in the banner at the top of the portal. You are then able to pick the appropriate city and schedule your biometric screening appointment.