Undergraduate Summer Research Experiences NASA Space Grant (NASA in Kansas)
In an effort to encourage participation in graduate education and research among the country's brightest undergraduate students, Kansas State University hosts a variety of programs that offer summer research experiences. These programs provide an opportunity for undergraduates from diverse disciplines to work with a mentor on a research project and to participate as a member of an existing research team. Participants are provided the opportunity to work with multi-cultural students from different colleges and universities in formal educational experiences, seminars about the Graduate School experience, and networking opportunities. Most of the programs include seminars and activites that provide students with professional development opportunities beyond their research experience.
KSU hosts the following summer programs: Kansas Bridges to the Future, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (Biology-REU, Math-REU), and Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (SUROP). In 2006, 40 undergraduates from more than 20 academic institutions participated in these programs. Of these, 15 participated in SUROP and were involved in research in 10 different academic disciplines. SUROP recruited 15 students for 2007. Students involved in other undergraduate research experiences, such as Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Research Scholars, were invited to join in social and professional development activities sponsored by the Graduate School and the KSU Consortium for Undergraduate Research Experiences.