K-State 8

Starting in fall of 2024: K-State will be moving to the K-State Core.

K-State 8 General Education program comprised of a depth and breadth of knowledge and skills. A student's depth of knowledge intended for undergraduate general education is explored and assessed through our Undergraduate Learning Outcomes.

K-State 8 helps students widen their perspectives, explore new subjects and build critical and analytical thinking skills.

K-State 8 Areas

Aesthetic Interpretation
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
Global Issues and Perspectives
Historical Perspectives
Human Diversity within the U.S.
Natural and Physical Sciences
Social Sciences


Student Resources

Each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses/experiences to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. A minimum of four different course prefixes (e.g., AGEC, MATH, FSHS) must be represented in the fulfillment of the K-State 8 requirements.